В работе доказано, что геодезический поток биинвариантной
метрики на любом однородном пространстве компактной группы
Ли интегрируем по Лиувиллю в некоммутативном смысле.
Библиография: 23 названия.
Образец цитирования:
А. В. Болсинов, Б. Йованович, “Интегрируемые геодезические потоки на однородных
пространствах”, Матем. сб., 192:7 (2001), 21–40; A. V. Bolsinov, B. Jovanović, “Integrable geodesic flows on homogeneous spaces”, Sb. Math., 192:7 (2001), 951–968
Dmitri Bykov, Andrew Kuzovchikov, “The classical and quantum particle on a flag manifold”, Class. Quantum Grav., 41:20 (2024), 205009
Bozidar Jovanović, Tijana Šukilović, Srdjan Vukmirović, “Integrable Systems Associated to the Filtrations
of Lie Algebras”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 28:1 (2023), 44–61
Mykytyuk I.V., “Integrability of Geodesic Flows For Metrics on Suborbits of the Adjoint Orbits of Compact Groups”, Transform. Groups, 21:2 (2016), 531–553
Б. Гайич, В. Драгович, Б. Йованович, “О полноте интегралов Манакова”, Фундамент. и прикл. матем., 20:2 (2015), 35–49; B. Gajić, V. Dragović, B. Jovanović, “On the completeness of the Manakov integrals”, J. Math. Sci., 223:6 (2017), 675–685
Yuri N Fedorov, Božidar Jovanović, “Three natural mechanical systems on Stiefel varieties”, J. Phys. A: Math. Theor, 45:16 (2012), 165204
Fedorov Yu.N., Jovanovic B., “Geodesic Flows and Neumann Systems on Stiefel Varieties: Geometry and Integrability”, Math. Z., 270:3-4 (2012), 659–698
Butler L.T., “Positive-entropy integrable systems and the Toda lattice, II”, Mathematical Proceedings of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, 149:3 (2010), 491–538
Jovanovic B., “Integrability of invariant geodesic flows on n-symmetric spaces”, Annals of Global Analysis and Geometry, 38:3 (2010), 305–316
Dragović V., Gajić B., Jovanović B., “Singular Manakov flows and geodesic flows on homogeneous spaces of SO(N)”, Transform. Groups, 14:3 (2009), 513–530
А. А. Магазев, И. В. Широков, “Гамильтоновы системы в вариациях и интегрирование уравнения
Якоби на однородных пространствах”, Изв. вузов. Матем., 2006, № 8, 42–53; A. A. Magazev, I. V. Shirokov, “Hamiltonian systems in variations and the integration of the Jacobi equation on homogeneous spaces”, Russian Math. (Iz. VUZ), 50:8 (2006), 38–49
Д. И. Ефимов, “Магнитный геодезический поток на однородном симплектическом многообразии”, Сиб. матем. журн., 46:1 (2005), 106–118; D. I. Efimov, “The magnetic geodesic flow on a homogeneous symplectic manifold”, Siberian Math. J., 46:1 (2005), 83–93
Mykytyuk I.V., Panasyuk A., “Bi-Poisson structures and integrability of geodesic flow on homogeneous spaces”, Transform. Groups, 9:3 (2004), 289–308
Bolsinov A.V., Jovanović B., “Complete involutive algebras of functions on cotangent bundles of homogeneous spaces”, Math. Z., 246:1-2 (2004), 213–236
Bolsinov A.V., “Integrable geodesic flows on Riemannian manifolds: Construction and obstructions”, Proceedings of the Workshop on Contemporary Geometry and Related Topics, 2004, 57–103
Bolsinov A.V., Jovanović B., “Noncommutative integrability, moment map and geodesic flows”, Ann. Global Anal. Geom., 23:4 (2003), 305–322