We prove that each structurally stable diffeomorphism f on a closed
3-manifold M3 with a two-dimensional surface nonwandering set is
topologically conjugated to some model dynamically coherent
Образец цитирования:
Vyacheslav Z. Grines, Yulia A. Levchenko, Vladislav S. Medvedev, Olga V. Pochinka, “On the Dynamical Coherence of Structurally Stable 3-diffeomorphisms”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 19:4 (2014), 506–512
Vyacheslav Z. Grines, Olga V. Pochinka, Ekaterina E. Chilina, “On Homeomorphisms of Three-Dimensional Manifolds with Pseudo-Anosov Attractors and Repellers”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 29:1 (2024), 156–173
V. Z. Grines, O. V. Pochinka, E. E. Chilina, “Dynamics of 3-Homeomorphisms with Two-Dimensional Attractors and Repellers”, J Math Sci, 270:5 (2023), 683
Vyacheslav Z. Grines, Elena Ya. Gurevich, Olga V. Pochinka, “On the Number of Heteroclinic Curves of Diffeomorphisms with Surface Dynamics”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 22:2 (2017), 122–135
V. Z. Grines, T. V. Medvedev, O. V. Pochinka, “Introduction to Dynamical Systems”, Dynamical Systems on 2- and 3-Manifolds, Developments in Mathematics, 46, Springler, 2016, 1–26
В. З. Гринес, О. В. Починка, А. А. Шиловская, “Диффеоморфизмы 3-многообразий с одномерными базисными множествами просторно расположенными на 2-торах”, Журнал СВМО, 18:1 (2016), 17–26
В. З. Гринес, Е. В. Жужома, О. В. Починка, “Грубые диффеоморфизмы с базисными множествами коразмерности один”, Труды Крымской осенней математической школы-симпозиума, СМФН, 57, РУДН, М., 2015, 5–30; V. Z. Grines, Ye. V. Zhuzhoma, O. V. Pochinka, “Rough diffeomorphisms with basic sets of codimension one”, Journal of Mathematical Sciences, 225:2 (2017), 195–219