In this paper we consider the dynamics of a rigid body with a sharp edge in contact with a rough plane. The body can move so that its contact point is fixed or slips or loses contact with the support. In this paper, the dynamics of the system is considered within three mechanical models which describe different regimes of motion. The boundaries of the domain of definition of each model are given, the possibility of transitions from one regime to another and their consistency with different coefficients of friction on the horizontal and inclined surfaces are discussed.
Ключевые слова:
rod, Painlevé paradox, dry friction, loss of contact, frictional impact.
This research was supported by the analytical departmental target program “Development of
Scientific Potential of Higher Schools” for 2012–2014, No 1.1248.2011 “Nonholonomic Dynamical
Systems and Control Problems” and by the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for
Support of Leading Scientific Schools NSh-2964.2014.1. The work of T. B.Ivanova was supported by
the Grant of the President of the Russian Federation for Support of Young Candidates of Science
Поступила в редакцию: 28.03.2013 Принята в печать: 31.12.2013
Образец цитирования:
Ivan S. Mamaev, Tatiana B. Ivanova, “The Dynamics of a Rigid Body with a Sharp Edge in Contact with an Inclined Surface in the Presence of Dry Friction”, Regul. Chaotic Dyn., 19:1 (2014), 116–139
\by Ivan~S.~Mamaev, Tatiana~B.~Ivanova
\paper The Dynamics of a Rigid Body with a Sharp Edge in Contact with an Inclined Surface in the Presence of Dry Friction
\jour Regul. Chaotic Dyn.
\yr 2014
\vol 19
\issue 1
\pages 116--139
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