Образец цитирования:
О. Ф. Арьков, Б. В. Войцеховский, В. В. Митрофанов, М. Е. Топчиян, “О спиновой детонационной природе тангенциальных высокочастотных колебаний в камерах сгорания ЖРД”, Прикл. мех. техн. физ., 11:1 (1970), 155–157; J. Appl. Mech. Tech. Phys., 11:1 (1970), 159–161
Bu-Kyeng Sung, Jiro Kasahara, Jeong-Yeol Choi, “Numerical investigation on the detonative tangential combustion instability in a rocket combustor”, Combustion and Flame, 275 (2025), 114092
Liangzhong Fan, Qiang Shi, Wei Lin, Yiheng Tong, Jian Sun, Wansheng Nie, “Numerical simulation of similarities between rotating detonation and high-frequency combustion instability under two mixing schemes”, AIP Advances, 12:2 (2022)
Wei Liu, Saeed Bornassi, Yedan Shen, Mohammad Ghalandari, Hassan Haddadpour, Rohollah Dehghani Firouzabadi, Shahab S. Band, Kwok-wing Chau, “Investigation on behaviors of acoustoelastic cavities using a novel reduced finite element–dual reciprocity boundary element formulation”, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 15:1 (2021), 1885
Wei Lin, Yiheng Tong, Zhiyong Lin, Wansheng Nie, Lingyu Su, “Propagation Mode Analysis on H2–Air Rotating Detonation Waves in a Hollow Combustor”, AIAA Journal, 58:12 (2020), 5052
Vijay Anand, Ephraim Gutmark, “Rotating detonation combustors and their similarities to rocket instabilities”, Progress in Energy and Combustion Science, 73 (2019), 182
Vijay Anand, Andrew St. George, Charles Farbos de Luzan, Ephraim Gutmark, “Rotating detonation wave mechanics through ethylene-air mixtures in hollow combustors, and implications to high frequency combustion instabilities”, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 92 (2018), 314
Vijay Anand, Ephraim Gutmark, “Rotating Detonation Combustor Research at the University of Cincinnati”, Flow Turbulence Combust, 101:3 (2018), 869
Mohammed Niyasdeen Nejaamtheen, Jung-Min Kim, Jeong-Yeol Choi, Shock Wave and High Pressure Phenomena, Detonation Control for Propulsion, 2018, 109
Vijay Anand, Andrew C. St. George, Ephraim J. Gutmark, 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, 2016
Frank Lu, Eric Braun, Luca Massa, Donald Wilson, 47th AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit, 2011
Ф. А. Быковский, С. А. Ждан, Е. Ф. Ведерников, “О непрерывной спиновой детонации топлив в кольцевых камерах сгорания”, Физика горения и взрыва, 41:4 (2005), 99–109; F. A. Bykovskii, S. A. Zhdan, E. F. Vedernikov, “Continuous spin detonation in annular combustors”, Combustion, Explosion and Shock Waves, 41:4 (2005), 449–459