Аннотация:N-Benzyl aldimines react with arylacetylenes in the presence of ButOK/DMSO superbase system to afford 2,3,5-triaryl-1-pyrrolines as two tautomers with 1,2- and 1,5-location of the double bond, both being the trans-diastereomers. This version of the C=N bond ethynylation differs from the previous one with N-benzyl ketimines. The oxidation of the pyrroline tautomeric mixtures without their isolation gives 2,3,5-triaryl-1H-pyrroles.
Образец цитирования:
I. A. Bidusenko, E. Yu. Schmidt, N. I. Protsuk, I. A. Ushakov, B. A. Trofimov, “Diversifying the superbase-catalyzed C=N bond ethynylation: triaryl-1-pyrrolines and triaryl-1H-pyrroles from N-benzyl aldimines and arylacetylenes”, Mendeleev Commun., 33:1 (2023), 24–26
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