A limit theorem is proved for branching processes with immigration under the condition that the immigration process is wide sense stationary.
S. V. Nagaev, “A limit theorem for branching processes with immigration”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 20:1 (1975), 178–180; Theory Probab. Appl., 20:1 (1975), 176–179
This publication is cited in the following 7 articles:
I. Rahimov, S.O. Sharipov, “On deterministic approximation for nearly critical branching processes with dependent immigration”, Statistics & Probability Letters, 208 (2024), 110031
S. O. Sharipov, “On functional limit theorems for branching processes with dependent immigration”, Sib. elektron. matem. izv., 20:2 (2023), 755–772
V. Golomoziy, S. Sharipov, “On central limit theorems for branching processes with dependent immigration”, BKNUPhM, 2020, no. 1-2, 7
Ya. M. Khusanbaev, “On asymptotics of branching processes with immigration”, Discrete Math. Appl., 27:2 (2017), 73–80
Hongsong Guo, Mei Zhang, “A fluctuation limit theorem for a critical branching process with dependent immigration”, Statistics & Probability Letters, 94 (2014), 29
O. A. Butkovskii, “Limit Behavior of a Critical Branching Process with Immigration”, Math. Notes, 92:5 (2012), 612–618
I. S. Badalbaev, A. M. Zubkov, “Limit theorems for a sequence of branching processes with immigration”, Theory Probab. Appl., 28:2 (1984), 404–409