An asymptotic approximation, as time increases without limit, is constructed to the solution of the Cauchy problem for the heat equation in three-dimensional space. The locally integrable initial function, which does not necessarily tend to zero at infinity, is assumed to have powerlike asymptotics. The method of introduction of an auxiliary parameter, which also involves the regularization of singularities in integrals, plays the central role in the research. The asymptotic expression for the solution is shown to have the form of a series in negative half-integer powers of the time variable, with coefficients depending on self-similar variables and the logarithm of time; the leading term is found explicitly. Using the example of the Cauchy problem for the vector Burgers equation, it is shown that to perform an asymptotic analysis of the solution by the matching method one needs to construct an asymptotic approximation to a solution of the heat equation.
Bibliography: 31 titles.
The subject of our study here is the solution of the Cauchy problem for the heat equation in three-dimensional space, which is a fundamental model in mathematical physics:
As is well known, for a wide class of initial data this solution can be represented as an integral convolution1[x]1Following, perhaps, Tychonoff’s paper “Théorèmes d’unicité pour l’équation de la chaleur” (1935) the convolution (1.3) is sometimes called the Poisson integral.
which was in fact already known to Fourier (see [1], Ch. IX, § 392). He deduced (1.1) in his fundamental treatise and stressed there the universal nature of heat phenomena in the physical world: “La chaleur pénètre, comme la gravité, toutes les substances de l’univers, ses rayons occupent toutes les parties de l’espace”. The sine qua non status of the heat equation has fully been confirmed by the subsequent history (see [2]). Recall that if the initial function Λ:R3→R does not increase too rapidly (for example, has a power growth), then u(x,t) is the unique solution (see [3] and [4]).
The main aim of our investigation is to construct an asymptotic approximation as t→+∞ to the solution of the Cauchy problem (1.1), (1.2) for initial functions satisfying certain special conditions
Apart from direct applications to models of physical processes of heat transfer and diffusion, this problem is of independent theoretical interest for the asymptotic analysis of solutions of parabolic-type equations because the need in such information arises in a natural way in applications of the matching method (see [5]) to initial-boundary value problems. For example, in the Cauchy problem with large initial gradient for a quasilinear parabolic equation (see [6], § 2), to construct a uniform approximation to a solution even in a small neighbourhood of a singular point we have to use the asymptotic behaviour at infinity of the solution of a linear heat equation with respect to the inner variables, which was considered separately in [7].
Generally speaking, the investigations of the asymptotic behaviour of solutions of evolution partial differential equation at large times has always been — and is still a topical problem in mathematical physics, which is a subject of a great number of papers, including ones on parabolic-type equations: see the surveys [8] and [9], which also give information on results describing conditions under which the Cauchy problem for quite general equations and systems of parabolic type is well posed, and — with a considerable margin — ensuring the existence and uniqueness of solutions, which also covers the special conditions that we state in what follows. In particular, authors considered the behaviour as t→+∞ of solutions of equations supplemented by various boundary conditions: the Cauchy problem, whose solution was considered in [10] and [11]; the first, second and third boundary value problems considered in [12]–[15]; mixed problems considered in [16]–[18]. There are results on the stabilization of solutions whose initial functions have a power growth (see [19] and [20]). On the other hand convergence theorems do not give one a full picture of the behaviour of solutions, and the asymptotic analysis of solutions is often limited to finding the leading approximation. The first full asymptotic expansions as t→+∞ of solutions of parabolic equations in infinite series were perhaps due to Friedman (see [21] and [22], Ch. 6), who obtained them for domains bounded in the space variables. For nondecreasing and even increasing initial data full asymptotic formulae for solutions in spaces of various dimension were constructed in [7], [23] and [24].
The main problem with analytic investigation of solutions with nondecreasing initial data in spatially unbounded domains is related to the singular behaviour of such solutions. In fact, if we set formally t=+∞ in (1.3), then we obtain in general a divergent integral because the initial function is only assumed to be locally integrable. So the second important aim of our paper is to explain in details, using the example of a solution of the Cauchy problem expressed as a convolution by formula (1.3), how the method of introduction of an auxiliary parameter works, which allows one to find with arbitrary accuracy the structure of asymptotic approximations to integrals depending singularly on small parameters.
§ 2. Choice of an initial function
In this paper we construct an asymptotic formula as t→+∞ for the solution u(x,t) of the Cauchy problem (1.1), (1.2) under the assumption that the initial function Λ is locally Lebesgue integrable and, for all N⩾1, satisfies the asymptotic relation
in the sense of Poincaré (see [25], § 1, or [26], Ch. I, § 1.3), where Λ2,n:R→R and Λ3,n:R→R are locally integrable functions and the estimate of the remainder term on the right-hand side of (2.1) is independent of (x2,x3)∈R2. We assume that for all n⩾0 the functions Λ2,n tend to zero at a superpower rate, and the functions Λ3,n, satisfy the following asymptotic relations for all N⩾1:
In addition, assume that
which, in combination with the local integrability of Λ, certainly ensures the convergence of the integral (1.3), and let
where N⩾1, and the integrable functions Φ±n,m tend to zero at infinity at a superpower rate.
Our choice of the assumptions (2.1)–(2.4) is motivated by Hilbert’s thesis of the importance of special setups of problems2[x]2In this famous talk of 1900 Hilbert said: “Eine noch wichtigere Rolle als das Verallgemeinern spielt — wie ich glaube — bei der Beschäftigung mit mathematischen Problemen das Specialisiren”. on the one hand and by reasons of simplicity on the other; the meaning of (2.5) becomes clear in the calculations that follow. In physical interpretations these assumptions correspond to the initial distribution of heat localized in a neighbourhood of the half-plane
in the space of independent variables.
It is clear that, as the heat equation is linear, combining (2.1)–(2.4) with rearrangements of the space variables we can extend the class of initial data for which we can readily extract asymptotic expressions for the solution directly from our results in this paper.
§ 3. Using the auxiliary parameter method
In the investigation of optimal control problems Danilin developed an original method of the introduction of an auxiliary parameter in order to analyze integrals displaying singular behaviour (see [27] and [28]).
Following the general idea of this method (see [29], Ch. 7, § 30) and taking assumption (2.4) on the initial data into account we represent the solution (1.3) as a sum of two integrals, over a bounded layer and over a half-space:
integration from 0 to σ(x,t) in U0(x,t) and from σ(x,t) to +∞ in U1(x,t) is with respect to s1, and β is an arbitrary parameter.
In itself, the computational component of the method in the case of the decomposition (3.1) of the convolution (1.3) can be described as follows. To calculate the asymptotic behaviour of the integral U1(x,t) over a half-space, first we use the asymptotics of the initial function and then regularize the singularities arising by subtracting the Taylor polynomial for the exponential heat kernel. Conversely, to find the asymptotic behaviour of the integral U0(x,t) over a bounded layer we use Taylor’s formula for the heat kernel first and then subtract an asymptotic expression for the initial function.
The formulae obtained in this way contain ‘virtual’ sums, which are expressions involving an arbitrary auxiliary parameter β. The proof that the total sum of this expressions is sufficiently small as t→+∞ is the final step of the calculations and, at the same time, the conceptual component of the method.
On the other hand, if in splitting the convolution integral we fix some partition of the interval of integration [0,+∞), then we obtain many fictitious expressions, of which we can get rid only by calculating them explicitly, which is quite difficult when we look for a complete asymptotic approximation in the form of an infinite series.
3.1. An asymptotic expression for U1(x,t)
The precise meaning of the asymptotic expressions below will be explained separately each time; usually they should be understood in the sense of Erdélyi (see [26], Ch. II, § 2.1) with respect to the asymptotic sequences {(|x|2+t)−ϰn}∞n=1 for various values of ϰ>0 as |x|2+t→+∞.
In the expression for U1(x,t) it is convenient to make the change s1=2z√t of the variable of integration. Now we introduce the natural self-similar variables3[x]3We drop the arguments of the quantities σ→+∞ and μ→+0 for brevity.
and using the asymptotic condition (2.1), for each positive integer N we obtain the formula
as σ→+∞, where Hr(η1) is the Hermite polynomial of degree r, because the expression exp(2zη1−z2) is precisely the generating function for Hermite polynomials (see [30], Ch. IV, § 4.9).
For n⩾1 we must regularize the integrand to isolate the singularity z−n as z=μ→0. To do this, using the Taylor expansion of the exponential function, we write the identity
where the sums with respect to r are set equal to zero for n=1. It follows from the definition (3.10) that the function Ψn(z,η1) has no singularities as z→0, and it is also easy to see that Ψn(z,η1) is an analytic function, which can be represented by a convergent series:
where the estimate for the remainder term follows from (3.7) and (3.8).
For what follows we need to know the order of growth as η1→∞ of the first and fifth terms on the right-hand side of (3.11), which are independent of μ.
Lemma 1. The following relation holds for all n⩾1:
as η1→∞, because the expression in square brackets, according to the definition of Ψn(z,η1), eliminates the nonintegrable singularity z−n as z→0, and the function exp(−η21/2) certainly suppresses the growth of the integral ∫10z−n[…]dz.
We apply integration by parts to the first integral as η1→−∞:
on the right-hand side of (3.4). Bearing in mind that the functions Λ2,n(s2) decay at a superpower rate, for all n⩾0 and N⩾1 we have (for instance, by [7])
where the q2,n,m−1(η) are some polynomials of η2=2−1t−1/2x2 of degree m−1, with coefficients depending on n. From condition (2.2) we obtain (by the same paper [7])
where η3=2−1t−1/2x3 and q3,n,j,l∈B1,j−1. Using asymptotic relations (3.16) and (3.17), for the second (double) integral on the right-hand side of (3.4) we finally obtain
Substituting (3.9), (3.14) and (3.18) into (3.4) and taking (3.15) into account, we find the asymptotics of U_1(x,t). It is very important that in the terms containing the logarithm \log\mu we do not transform the expressions
(see [30], Ch. IV, § 4.9) and we have used that, according to (3.7) and (3.24), we have the inequality \sigma^{\delta}<2^{\beta\delta/2} t^{1/2}, so that t^{-N/2}=O (\sigma^{-\delta N}) as t\to +\infty.
To compensate for the increasing factor s_1^n in the integrand in (3.25), it is convenient to perform regularization by subtracting from \Lambda a partial sum of its asymptotic expression. To do this, using the asymptotic conditions (2.1) and (2.2) for the initial data, we transform the integral on the right-hand side of (3.25) as follows:
where the function \Phi_n (s_2, s_3)={\displaystyle\int_{0}^{1} s_1^{n} \Lambda (s_1, s_2, s_3)\,ds_1} satisfies (2.5) by assumption, and the sum with respect to m contains no term with m=0, but contains an expression with \log\sigma instead.
Applying (3.18) to all terms in the previous formula, with the exception of the term containing \log\sigma, and using the asymptotic formula
here V'_{r,m,l} \in \mathscr{B}_{3,|m|} and the sum with respect to r contains no term with index r=0.
§ 4. Estimating ‘virtual’ sums
Noticing that, according to (3.2), (3.6) and (3.24), we have \alpha/(2\beta)>\delta, from Lemmas 2 and 3 we derive the outcome of the computational part of our work, an asymptotic relation for the solution of the problem under consideration:
It remains to make the final step in the use of the method of auxiliary parameter, to find an estimate for the sum of ‘virtual expressions’ involving the quantity \mu, which depends on an arbitrary parameter \beta. Noting that when we add (3.22) and (3.27), the terms containing the factor \log\sigma annihilate, we find that
are finite sums and the sum (4.2) contains no term with index r=0.
Before we turn directly to showing that the sum (4.2) is small, we present a very simple example giving one readily an insight in the question. Given a function F and some N>1, assume that for all \beta \in (0,1) we have
F(t)=O(t^{- h N}), \qquad t \to +\infty,
where h \in (0,1) can be taken arbitrarily close to 1.
Now the idea to introduce an arbitrary parameter becomes clear: this enables us to get rid of the ‘virtual’ expressions arising by estimating them. In fact, if we construct as asymptotic formula for some integral by splitting it, some expressions produced by different intervals of integration annihilate, and in simple cases we can trace this by explicit calculations; however, it is intuitively clear after all that the asymptotics of a solution cannot depend on arbitrary quantities introduced artificially.
Now we state and prove a result on an estimate for the sum W_N (\eta,t,\sigma).
Lemma 4. There exists \varkappa>0 such that for all N \geqslant 2 the sum (4.2) has the estimate
where 0<\beta - \varepsilon<1 and all powers \theta^{-r \beta} and \theta^{-r (\beta-\varepsilon)} are distinct. Starting with the greatest power \theta^{-(2N-1)\beta}, we obtain in turn
Now, recalling that the sums with respect to r contain no terms with r=0, we conclude that
W_N(\eta,t,\sigma)=O(\theta^{\delta N (\beta-\varepsilon)}), \qquad \theta \to +0.
Hence (4.3) follows once we set \varkappa=\delta (\beta-\varepsilon) / \beta.
The proof is complete.
§ 5. Asymptotic formula for the solution and its applications
Collecting the above results, now we can formulate the final conclusion of our work.
Theorem. Let \Lambda\colon \mathbb{R}^3 \to \mathbb{R} be a locally integrable function such that relations (2.1)–(2.5) hold. Then, as t \to +\infty, an asymptotic approximation to the solution of the heat equation (1.1) with initial condition u(x,0)=\Lambda (x) in the unbounded domain \{ (x,t)\colon t>|x|^{\alpha},\,1<\alpha<2\} has the following form:
Proof. Substituting (3.20) and (3.26) into the right-hand side of the representation for u(x,t) as a sum (3.1), from formulae (3.9), (3.18) and (3.21), providing an explicit expression for the leading approximation, and from the notation (3.2), (3.3) and (3.13), we obtain the ansatz from (5.1). Using (4.1) and the estimate (4.3) we obtain the following relation for the difference between the solution u(x,t) and the asymptotic ansatz A_N(\eta,t):
where h=\min \{ \delta \beta/2,\,\delta (\beta-\varepsilon) /2 \}>0. In this way we arrive at the assertion of the theorem.
Remark 1. The approximation formula (5.1) describes the asymptotic behaviour of the solution u(x,t) in the sense of Erdélyi (see [26], Ch. II, § 2.1) with respect to the gauge sequence \{ (|x|^2 +t)^{- h n}\}_{n=1}^{\infty}, where the number H depends as follows on the domain T_{\alpha}:
Remark 2. If necessary, from the above calculations and formulae (3.4), (3.9), (3.10), (3.11), and others, in which the coefficients of powers of the time variable have an explicit functional form, after overcoming some technical difficulties we can also extract an explicit, although rather awkward expression for the functions S_{n,l} which determine higher asymptotic approximations to the solution u(x,t).
Now we explain how our result in this paper can be applied to the investigation of the following Cauchy problem for the vector Burgers equation
where \mathbf{v}=(v_1, v_2, v_3) is a potential vector field, \varepsilon and \rho are independent small positive parameters and \Psi (x)=\Psi (x_1,x_2,x_3) is a continuously differentiable function with bounded partial derivatives. If in (5.2) and (5.3) we make the natural change of variables (see [31], § 2, where another notation is used)
Now, to construct an asymptotic formula for the solution of (5.2), (5.3) by means of the matching method (see [5]) we must investigate the behaviour of the solution as |x|+t \to +\infty, because small values of the outer variables (5.4) correspond to large values of the inner (stretched) variables (x,t).
Summarizing, we can say that, apart from the obvious possible use in linear models for the physical processes of heat transfer, diffusion, and other phenomena, the knowledge of the asymptotic behaviour of the solution (1.3) and the analytic techniques of calculations presented above (using which one can in principle obtain an approximation of any prescribed accuracy to the solution, including in the case of the heat equations with another number of independent space variables, for a wide class of various asymptotic conditions imposed on the initial data) are also of interest for the asymptotic analysis of solutions of nonlinear equations and parabolic-type systems by means of the matching method.
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\by S.~V.~Zakharov
\paper Constructing the asymptotics of a~solution of the heat equation from the known asymptotics of the initial function in three-dimensional space
\jour Sb. Math.
\yr 2024
\vol 215
\issue 1
\pages 101--118