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Mathematics of the USSR-Sbornik, 1972, Volume 17, Issue 1, Pages 1–29
(Mi sm3143)

This article is cited in 73 scientific papers (total in 74 papers)

Invariant subspaces of analytic functions. II. Spectral synthesis of convex domains

I. F. Krasichkov-Ternovskii
Abstract: The criterion for the admissibility of spectral synthesis which was established in the first part of this paper is employed in the solution of a series of problems; in particular, it is employed in the investigation of the homogeneous convolution equation
and in the investigation of systems of such equations.
Let H be the space of functions holomorphic in a convex region G. Let S be a continuous linear functional on H. Then the subspace of solutions fH of the equation () is invariant and always permits spectral synthesis. However, the system of equations S1f=0,,Snf=0 does not always admit spectral synthesis. In this paper we determine in terms of characteristic functions the precise conditions for the possibility of spectral synthesis for this situation. If G is an unbounded convex region, then spectral synthesis is always possible.
Bibliography: 24 titles.
Received: 11.01.1971
Bibliographic databases:
UDC: 517.5+519.4
MSC: Primary 30A18, 30A98, 46E15; Secondary 30A08, 30A64
Language: English
Original paper language: Russian
Citation: I. F. Krasichkov-Ternovskii, “Invariant subspaces of analytic functions. II. Spectral synthesis of convex domains”, Math. USSR-Sb., 17:1 (1972), 1–29
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by I.~F.~Krasichkov-Ternovskii
\paper Invariant subspaces of analytic functions. II.~Spectral synthesis of convex domains
\jour Math. USSR-Sb.
\yr 1972
\vol 17
\issue 1
\pages 1--29
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    This publication is cited in the following 74 articles:
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    2. A. A. Tatarkin, A. B. Shishkin, “Exponential Synthesis in the Kernel of a q-Sided Convolution Operator”, J Math Sci, 282:4 (2024), 581  crossref
    3. N. F. Abuzyarova, Z. Yu. Fazullin, “Invariant subspaces in non-quasianalytic spaces of Ω-ultradifferentiable functions on an interval”, Eurasian Math. J., 15:3 (2024), 9–24  mathnet  crossref
    4. A. S. Krivosheev, O. A. Krivosheeva, “Isklyuchitelnye mnozhestva”, SMFN, 69, no. 2, Rossiiskii universitet druzhby narodov, M., 2023, 289–305  mathnet  crossref
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    6. N. F. Abuzyarova, “Invariant Subspaces in Nonquasianalytic Spaces of Ω-Ultradifferentiable Functions on an Interval”, Russ Math., 67:11 (2023), 75  crossref
    7. A. A. Tatarkin, A. B. Shishkin, “Eksponentsialnyi sintez v yadre operatora q-storonnei svertki”, Issledovaniya po lineinym operatoram i teorii funktsii. 50, Zap. nauchn. sem. POMI, 512, POMI, SPb., 2022, 191–222  mathnet
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    12. A. S. Krivosheev, O. A. Krivosheeva, “Invariant subspaces in unbounded domains”, Probl. anal. Issues Anal., 10(28):3 (2021), 91–107  mathnet  crossref
    13. Dilnyi V., “Solvability Criterion For Convolution Equations on a Half-Strip”, Complex Anal. Oper. Theory, 15:4 (2021), 73  crossref  isi
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