In this article the authors have attempted to follow the style which one of them learned from P. S. Aleksandrov in other problems (the descriptive theory of functions and topology).
Let LL be a modular lattice. By a representation of LL in AA-module MM, where AA is a ring, we mean a morphism from LL into the lattice L(A,M) of submodules of M. In this article we study representations of finitely generated free modular lattices Dr. We are principally interested in representations in the lattice L(K,V) of linear subspaces of a space V over a field K (V=Kn).
An element a in a modular lattice L is called perfect if a is sent either to O or to V under any indecomposable representation ρ:L→L(K,V). The basic method of studying the lattice Dr is to construct in it two sublattices B+ and B−, each of which consists of perfect elements.
Certain indecomposable representations ρ+t,l(respectively, ρ−t,l)) are connected with the sublattices B+ (respectively, B−). Almost all these representations (except finitely many of small dimension) possess the important property of complete irreducibility. A representation ρ:L→L(K,V) is called completely irreducible if the lattice ρ(L) is isomorphic to the lattice of linear subspaces of a projective space over the field Q of rational numbers of dimension n−1, where n=dimKV. In this paper we construct a certain special K-algebra Ar and study the representations ρA:Dr→LR(Ar) of Dr into the lattice of right ideals of Ar. We conjecture that the lattice of right homogeneous ideals of the Q-algebra Ar describes (up to the relation of linear equivalence) the essential part of Dr.
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