The aim of the paper is to develop an extended model of information dissemination in society. Four mechanisms influencing the process are embedded into the model. Sufficient conditions for the stability of so-called no-adherents solution have been found.
A. P. Mikhailov, A. P. Petrov, N. A. Marevtseva, I. V. Tretiakova, “Development of a model of information dissemination in society”, Mat. Model., 26:3 (2014), 65–74; Math. Models Comput. Simul., 6:5 (2014), 535–541
\by A.~P.~Mikhailov, A.~P.~Petrov, N.~A.~Marevtseva, I.~V.~Tretiakova
\paper Development of a model of information dissemination in society
\jour Mat. Model.
\yr 2014
\vol 26
\issue 3
\pages 65--74
\jour Math. Models Comput. Simul.
\yr 2014
\vol 6
\issue 5
\pages 535--541
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