The results of the first part of this work (see [1]) are used only in § 7 of this paper, from which subsequent results follow. We pose new dual problems for weight spaces of holomorphic functions of one and several variables defined on a domain in Cn, namely, the problem of non-triviality of a given space, description of zero sets, description of sets of
(non-)uniqueness, existence of holomorphic functions of certain classes that “suppress” the growth of a given holomorphic function, and representation of meromorphic functions as quotients of holomorphic functions contained in a given space.
B. N. Khabibullin, “Dual representation of superlinear functionals and its applications in function theory. II”, Izv. Math., 65:5 (2001), 1017–1039
This publication is cited in the following 22 articles:
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