M. V. Korovina, “The Construction of a Self-Adjoint Extension of the Schrödinger Operator with Potential Concentrated on a Pencil of Planes: I”, Differ. Uravn., 38:6 (2002), 775–786; Differ. Equ., 38:6 (2002), 816–829
\by M.~V.~Korovina
\paper The Construction of a Self-Adjoint Extension of the Schr\"odinger Operator with Potential Concentrated on a Pencil of Planes: I
\jour Differ. Uravn.
\yr 2002
\vol 38
\issue 6
\pages 775--786
\jour Differ. Equ.
\yr 2002
\vol 38
\issue 6
\pages 816--829