In this paper, game-theoretic models of social interaction with binary actions of agents are considered. The phenomena of conformity and anti-conformity are briefly analyzed, and a game-theoretic model reflecting them is constructed. In addition, the general gametheoretic model of collective conformity behavior, the model with mutual dominance of agents, the model with reputation, and the model with identical agents are studied. The structure of Nash equilibria and corresponding methods of its evaluation are described for the abovementioned models.
This publication is cited in the following 17 articles:
V. V. Breer, “Game-Theoretic Models of Binary Collective Behavior”, Autom Remote Control, 82:11 (2021), 1985
V. V. Breer, “Porogovye modeli boevykh deistvii”, UBS, 84 (2020), 35–50
D. A. Novikov, “Modeli dinamiki psikhicheskikh i povedencheskikh komponent deyatelnosti v kollektivnom prinyatii reshenii”, UBS, 85 (2020), 206–237
V. V. Breer, “Teoretiko-igrovaya porogovaya model birzhevogo rynka”, Probl. upravl., 3 (2020), 34–39
Vladimir V. Breer, “Teoretiko-igrovye modeli binarnogo kollektivnogo povedeniya”, MTIP, 12:2 (2020), 3–19
Alexander Semenov, Dmitry Gorbatenko, Stepan Kochemazov, Springer Proceedings in Mathematics & Statistics, 247, Computational Aspects and Applications in Large-Scale Networks, 2018, 205
V. Breer, D. Novikov, A. Rogatkin, Mob Control: Models of Threshold Collective Behavior, Studies in Systems Decision and Control, 85, Springer, 2017, 134 pp.
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