Образец цитирования:
С. А. Пикин, В. Л. Инденбом, “Термодинамические состояния и симметрия жидких кристаллов”, УФН, 125:2 (1978), 251–277; Phys. Usp., 21:6 (1978), 487–501
Эта публикация цитируется в следующих 232 статьяx:
С. В. Демишев, “Спин-флуктуационные переходы”, УФН, 194:1 (2024), 23–47; S. V. Demishev, “Spin-fluctuation transitions”, Phys. Usp., 67:1 (2024), 22–43
Shri Singh, Handbook of Liquid Crystals—Volume II, 2024, 129
Tapas Pal Majumder, “Dielectric properties of polymer-dispersed antiferroelectric liquid crystals influenced by flexoelectric polarization”, Polym. Bull., 80:1 (2023), 621
Danil A. Petrov, “Liquid-crystal composites of carbon nanotubes in a magnetic field: Bridging continuum theory and a molecular-statistical approach”, Phys. Rev. E, 107:5 (2023)
Aleksey Kudreyko, Vladimir Chigrinov, Gurumurthy Hegde, Denis Chausov, “Photoaligned Liquid Crystalline Structures for Photonic Applications”, Crystals, 13:6 (2023), 965
Prabir K. Mukherjee, “Dynamic renormalization group analysis of the chiral smectic-C to smectic-C phase transition”, Ferroelectrics, 615:1 (2023), 369
Efim I. Kats, Vladimir E. Dmitrienko, Eugene M. Terentjev, Vladimir G. Chigrinov, Mikhail A. Osipov, Maxim V. Gorkunov, Anna S. Gorkunova, Boris I. Ostrovskii, Elena S. Pikina, “Professor Sergey Alekseevich Pikin (1941 – 2024)”, Liquid Crystals Today, 32:4 (2023), 76
Liquid Crystals, 2022, 73
L. S. Bezhanova, A. K. Atanesyan, “The Influence of the Structural Features of Molecules on Spontaneous Polarization Value in Induced Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Systems”, A. J. P., 2022, 28
Evgeny P. Pozhidaev, Sofia I. Torgova, Vadim A. Barbashov, “Electro-optics of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric liquid crystal helical nanostructures”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 367 (2022), 120493
Abhilasha Singh, Pankaj Kumar Tripathi, “Phase transition properties of ferroelectric and antiferroelectric liquid crystals”, Philosophical Magazine, 101:12 (2021), 1490
S. Aksoy, M. Kurt, H. Yurtseven, “Sm A – ferroelectric-Sm C transition in the mixture of C7 + 10.O.4 and in the ferroelectric C7”, Ferroelectrics, 554:1 (2020), 21
Michał Czerwiński, Katarzyna Gaładyk, Przemysław Morawiak, Wiktor Piecek, Maciej Chrunik, Katarzyna Kurp, Przemysław Kula, Leszek R. Jaroszewicz, “Pyrimidine-based ferroelectric mixtures – The influence of oligophenyl based chiral doping system”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 303 (2020), 112693
Vadim Mikhailenko, Alexander Krivoshey, Evgeny Pozhidaev, Ekaterina Popova, Alexander Fedoryako, Saniyat Gamzaeva, Vadim Barbashov, Abhishek K. Srivastava, Hoi Sing Kwok, Valerii Vashchenko, “The nano-scale pitch ferroelectric liquid crystal materials for modern display and photonic application employing highly effective chiral components: Trifluoromethylalkyl diesters of p-terphenyldicarboxylic acid”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 281 (2019), 186
Katarzyna Gaładyk, Wiktor Piecek, Michał Czerwiński, Przemysław Morawiak, Maciej Chrunik, Zbigniew Raszewski, “An effect of chiral dopants on mesomorphic and electro-optical properties of ferroelectric smectic mixture”, Liquid Crystals, 46:15 (2019), 2134
S. Shoarinejad, R. Mohammadi Siahboomi, M. Ghazavi, “Theoretical studies of the influence of nanoparticle dopants on the ferroelectric properties of a ferroelectric liquid crystal”, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 254 (2018), 312
A. V. Emelyanenko, E. S. Filimonova, “Molecular-statistical approach to the description of tilted smectic phases”, Phase Transitions, 91:9-10 (2018), 984
Marc D. Harjung, Frank Giesselmann, “Electroclinic effect in the chiral lamellarαphase of a lyotropic liquid crystal”, Phys. Rev. E, 97:3 (2018)
E. S. Filimonova, A. V. Emel'yanenko, J. H. Liu, “A study of polarization in smectic liquid crystals via statistical-physics methods”, Moscow Univ. Phys., 72:4 (2017), 369
Ronald Y. Dong, Annual Reports on NMR Spectroscopy, 87, 2016, 41