Образец цитирования:
А. М. Глезер, “Принципы создания многофункциональных конструкционных материалов нового поколения”, УФН, 182:5 (2012), 559–566; Phys. Usp., 55:5 (2012), 522–529
А. М. Глезер, Р. В. Сундеев, А. В. Шалимова, Л. С. Метлов, “Физика больших пластических деформаций”, УФН, 193:1 (2023), 33–62; A. M. Glezer, R. V. Sundeev, A. V. Shalimova, L. S. Metlov, “Physics of severe plastic deformation”, Phys. Usp., 66:1 (2023), 32–58
Г. Е. Абросимова, Д. В. Матвеев, А. С. Аронин, “Формирование наноструктур в гомогенной и гетерогенной аморфной фазе”, УФН, 192:3 (2022), 247–266; G. E. Abrosimova, D. V. Matveev, A. S. Aronin, “Nanocrystal formation in homogeneous and heterogeneous amorphous phases”, Phys. Usp., 65:3 (2022), 227–244
V. M. Prokhorov, I. A. Evdokimov, A. I. Korobov, A. I. Kokshaisky, N. I. Odina, N. V. Shirgina, “Nanostructuring of an Aluminum Alloy and Investigation of the Mechanical Properties of the Resulting Al/C60 Nanocomposite”, Nanotechnol Russia, 17:4 (2022), 523
Naydenkin V E., Mishin I.P., “Evolution of the Structure and Grain Boundary Ensemble of Nickel During Diffusion Annealing Under Conditions a Segregating Impurity (Silver) on Grain Boundaries”, Russ. Phys. J., 64:7 (2021), 1205–1211
Tomchuk A.A., Muradimova L.F., Zheleznyi V M., Filippova V.P., Khairullin M.F., Glezer A.M., Rassadina V T., “Correlations Between the Lattice Parameters and the Magnetic Properties of the Ferromagnetic Metals Subjected to Severe Plastic Deformation in a Bridgman Chamber”, Russ. Metall., 2021:4 (2021), 418–425
Glezer A.M., Tomchuk A.A., Muradimova L.F., Shirshikov S.O., Zheleznyi V M., Libman M.A., Filippova V.P., Khairullin M.F., “Influence of Severe Plastic Deformations in the Bridgman Anvil on Lattice Parameters and Microhardness of Ferromagnetic Metals”, Mater. Today-Proc., 38:4 (2021), 2073–2077
V. E. Kormyshev, V. E. Gromov, Yu. F. Ivanov, A. M. Glezer, “Structure of Differentially Hardened Rails after Severe Plastic Deformation”, Russ. Metall., 2021:4 (2021), 426
Gavrilyuk A.A. Morozova V N. Semenov A.L. Zubritskii S.M. Gavrilyuk V A. Golygin E.A. Kokorin I V., “Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Magnetic and Magnetoelastic Properties of Rapidly Quenched FE(75)Si(10)B(15)Wire”, Inorg. Mater., 56:10 (2020), 1092–1100
Permyakova I. Glezer A., “Amorphous-Nanocrystalline Composites Prepared By High-Pressure Torsion”, Metals, 10:4 (2020), 511
Volodin V.N., Tuleushev Y.Zh., Zhakanbaev E.A., Tcai K.V., “X-Ray and Electron Microscopic Confirmation of the Existence of the Mocd(2)Phase in Film Coatings of the Molybdenum-Cadmium System”, J. Surf. Ingestig., 14:3 (2020), 596–601
Zhesfina Blednova, Petr Rusinov, Etibar Balaev, Dmitry Dmitrenko, “Improving product performance by forming surface compositions from shape memory effect materials with a gradient of properties and phase transformation temperatures”, Mat Design & Process Comms, 2:6 (2020)
Pavel G. Morrev, Kostya I. Kapyrin, I.M. Gryadunov, Sergey Y. Radchenko, Daniil O. Dorokhov, Vladimir A. Gordon, “Towards the Problem of Construction an SPD Stress-Strain Curve for Low-Plastic Materials”, KEM, 839 (2020), 189
Cheretaeva A.O., Shurygina N.A., Glezer A.M., Rakoch A.G., Tomchuk A.A., Medvedeva A.D., “Effect of Megaplastic Deformation in a Bridgman Chamber At Various Temperatures on the Corrosion Resistance of Vt1-0 Titanium”, Russ. Metall., 2019, no. 4, 326–330
Morozova N.V. Gavrilyuk A.A. Semenov A.L. Zubritskii S.M. Morozov I.L. Gavrilyuk A.V. Golygin E.A., “Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Magnetic Properties of Rapidly Quenched Co66FE4Ta2.5Si12.5B15 Metallic Wire”, Inorg. Mater., 55:2 (2019), 129–134
Kutniy K., Kislyak I., Kalchenko A., Stoev P., Tikhonovsky M., Khaimovich P., “Structural State Effect on Mechanical Properties and Acoustic Emission of High-Purity Titanium At Different Types of Deformation”, East Eur. J. Phys., 2019, no. 3, 29–37
Yu. Zh. Tuleushev, V. N. Volodin, E. A. Zhakanbaev, “New Ta3Ве Phase in the Film Coatings of Tantalum–Beryllium Alloys”, Phys. Metals Metallogr., 120:4 (2019), 361
A. M. Glezer, L. F. Muradimova, S. O. Shirshikov, I. V. Shchetinin, D. L. D'yakonov, A. A. Tomchuk, “Effect of Large Plastic Deformations in a Bridgman Chamber on the Structure and Properties of FeCo–V Alloys”, Bull. Russ. Acad. Sci. Phys., 83:10 (2019), 1250
Kislyak I.F., Kutniy K.V., Okovit V.S., Tikhonovsky M.A., Khaimovich P.A., Kolodiy I.V., Kalchenko A.S., “Formation of Nanostructure and Mechanical Properties of Titanium With Different Purity”, Probl. At. Sci. Technol., 2018, no. 2, 108–113
К. Б. Алейникова, Е. Н. Зинченко, А. А. Змейкин, “АТОМНОЕ СТРОЕНИЕ АМОРФНОГО МЕТАЛЛИЧЕСКОГО СПЛАВА, “Физика и химия стекла””, ������ � ����� ������, 2018, № 4, 361
A. A. Gavrilyuk, N. V. Morozova, A. L. Semenov, I. L. Morozov, A. V. Gavrilyuk, E. A. Golygin, S. M. Zubritskii, V. I. Kokorin, “Effect of Plastic Deformation on the Magnetic Properties of Rapid-Quenched Cobalt-Based Metal Wires”, Russ J Nondestruct Test, 54:9 (2018), 648