We prove a limit relation for the Dunkl–Bessel function of type BN with multiplicity parameters k1 on the roots ±ei and k2 on ±ei±ej where k1 tends to infinity and the arguments are suitably scaled. It gives a good approximation in terms of the Dunkl-type Bessel function of type AN−1 with multiplicity k2. For certain values of k2 an improved estimate is obtained from a corresponding limit relation
for Bessel functions on matrix cones.
\by Margit R\"osler, Michael Voit
\paper A~Limit Relation for Dunkl--Bessel Functions of Type~A and~B
\jour SIGMA
\yr 2008
\vol 4
\papernumber 083
\totalpages 9
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Эта публикация цитируется в следующих 6 статьяx:
Roesler M., Voit M., “Positive Intertwiners For Bessel Functions of Type B”, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc., 149:3 (2021), 1151–1163
Jean-Philippe Anker, Trends in Mathematics, Analytic, Algebraic and Geometric Aspects of Differential Equations, 2017, 3
Roesler M. Voit M., “Integral Representation and Uniform Limits For Some Heckman-Opdam Hypergeometric Functions of Type Bc”, Trans. Am. Math. Soc., 368:8 (2016), 6005–6032
Andraus S., Katori M., Miyashita S., “Two Limiting Regimes of Interacting Bessel Processes”, J. Phys. A-Math. Theor., 47:23 (2014), 235201
Rosler, M; Koornwinder, T Voit, M, “Limit transition between hypergeometric functions of type BC and type A”, Compositio Mathematica, 149:8 (2013), 1381-1400
Rosler, M; Voit, M, “Olshanski Spherical Functions for Infinite Dimensional Motion Groups of Fixed Rank”, Journal of Lie Theory, 23:4 (2013), 899–920