Эта публикация цитируется в следующих 365 статьяx:
V. Cianciolo, “Optimizing spin dressing sensitivity for the nEDMSF experiment”, J. Inst., 20:01 (2025), T01006
Florian Neukart, “Quantum Entanglement Asymmetry and the Cosmic Matter–Antimatter Imbalance: A Theoretical and Observational Analysis”, Entropy, 27:2 (2025), 103
Avril Styrman, “Evaluation of Theories and Methodologies: Relativistic Physics vs. the Dynamic Universe — With Remarks from Physics and Reality 2024 and Cosmology on Small Scales 2024 Conferences”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser., 2948:1 (2025), 012004
V. Cetinkaya, S. Spor, E. Gurkanli, M. Köksal, “Search for the anomalous ZZZ and ZZγ gauge couplings through the process e+e−→ZZ with unpolarized and polarized beams”, Eur. Phys. J. Plus, 139:4 (2024)
S. Maity, R. Garg, S. Bahinipati, V. Bhardwaj, H. Aihara, S. Al Said, D. M. Asner, H. Atmacan, T. Aushev, R. Ayad, V. Babu, Sw. Banerjee, M. Bauer, J. Bennett, M. Bessner, D. Biswas, A. Bobrov, D. Bodrov, G. Bonvicini, J. Borah, M. Bračko, P. Branchini, A. Budano, M. Campajola, D. Červenkov, M.-C. Chang, P. Chang, K. Chilikin, H. E. Cho, K. Cho, S.-J. Cho, S.-K. Choi, Y. Choi, S. Choudhury, S. Das, N. Dash, G. De Pietro, R. Dhamija, F. Di Capua, J. Dingfelder, T. V. Dong, P. Ecker, D. Epifanov, T. Ferber, B. G. Fulsom, V. Gaur, A. Giri, P. Goldenzweig, E. Graziani, T. Gu, K. Gudkova, C. Hadjivasiliou, K. Hayasaka, H. Hayashii, S. Hazra, W.-S. Hou, C.-L. Hsu, K. Inami, N. Ipsita, A. Ishikawa, R. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, W. W. Jacobs, Y. Jin, D. Kalita, C. Kiesling, C. H. Kim, D. Y. Kim, K. Kinoshita, P. Kodyš, A. Korobov, S. Korpar, P. Križan, P. Krokovny, M. Kumar, R. Kumar, K. Kumara, A. Kuzmin, Y.-J. Kwon, T. Lam, S.&thi, “Search for baryon and lepton number violating decays
D→pℓ”, Phys. Rev. D, 109:3 (2024)
Maximilian Berbig, “Diraxiogenesis”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2024:1 (2024)
Jeffrey M. Berryman, Susan Gardner, Mohammadreza Zakeri, “How macroscopic limits on neutron-star baryon loss yield microscopic limits on non-standard-model baryon decay”, Phys. Rev. D, 109:2 (2024)
Sreerupa Chongdar, Sasmita Mishra, “Triplet scalar flavored leptogenesis with spontaneous CP violation”, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 2024:04 (2024), 054
S. A. Narawade, S. K. Tripathy, Raghunath Patra, B. Mishra, “Baryon Asymmetry Constraints on Extended Symmetric Teleparallel Gravity”, Gravit. Cosmol., 30:2 (2024), 135
Neda Darvishi, Apostolos Pilaftsis, Jiang-Hao Yu, “Maximising CP Violation in naturally aligned Two-Higgs Doublet Models”, J. High Energ. Phys., 2024:5 (2024)
I. Lazanu, M. Parvu, “Exploring the detection of AQNs in large liquid detectors”, J. Cosmol. Astropart. Phys., 2024:05 (2024), 014
Héctor Novales-Sánchez, Mónica Salinas, Humberto Vázquez-Castro, “One-loop contributions to
from a seesaw variant with radiatively induced light neutrino masses”, Phys. Rev. D, 110:3 (2024)
Debasish Borah, Satyabrata Mahapatra, Partha Kumar Paul, Narendra Sahu, Prashant Shukla, “Asymmetric self-interacting dark matter with a canonical seesaw model”, Phys. Rev. D, 110:3 (2024)
Y. H. Ahn, Sin Kyu Kang, “Exploring spontaneous CP violation in an axion model with seesaw mechanism”, J. Korean Phys. Soc., 2024
Adrian Ka-Wai Chung, Nicolás Yunes, “Quasinormal mode frequencies and gravitational perturbations of black holes with any subextremal spin in modified gravity through METRICS: The scalar-Gauss-Bonnet gravity case”, Phys. Rev. D, 110:6 (2024)
Ning-Yu Zhu, Hai-Xiang Chen, Huai-Cong Hu, “Higgs decay and CP violation phase in the CPV TNMSSM”, Sci Rep, 14:1 (2024)
V. Savinov, I. Adachi, J. K. Ahn, H. Aihara, D. M. Asner, H. Atmacan, R. Ayad, Sw. Banerjee, J. Bennett, M. Bessner, V. Bhardwaj, D. Biswas, A. Bobrov, D. Bodrov, J. Borah, M. Bračko, P. Branchini, T. E. Browder, A. Budano, D. Červenkov, M.-C. Chang, P. Chang, B. G. Cheon, K. Cho, S.-K. Choi, Y. Choi, S. Choudhury, N. Dash, G. De Nardo, G. De Pietro, R. Dhamija, F. Di Capua, J. Dingfelder, Z. Doležal, S. Dubey, P. Ecker, D. Epifanov, M. Farino, D. Ferlewicz, B. G. Fulsom, V. Gaur, A. Giri, P. Goldenzweig, E. Graziani, T. Gu, Y. Guan, K. Gudkova, C. Hadjivasiliou, H. Hayashii, S. Hazra, M. T. Hedges, W.-S. Hou, K. Inami, N. Ipsita, A. Ishikawa, R. Itoh, M. Iwasaki, W. W. Jacobs, Y. Jin, D. Kalita, C. H. Kim, D. Y. Kim, K.-H. Kim, Y.-K. Kim, K. Kinoshita, P. Kodyš, A. Korobov, S. Korpar, E. Kovalenko, P. Križan, P. Krokovny, T. Kuhr, R. Kumar, T. Kumita, A. Kuzmin, Y.-J. Kwon, Y.-T. Lai, T. Lam, J.&, “Search for two-body
meson decays to
Ωc(*)0”, Phys. Rev. D, 110:3 (2024)
Tomáš Blažek, Julian Heeck, Jan Heisig, Peter Maták, Viktor Zaujec, “Dirac leptogenesis from asymmetry wash-in via scatterings”, Phys. Rev. D, 110:5 (2024)
Jan Heisig, “Conversion-Driven Leptogenesis: A Testable Theory of Dark Matter and Baryogenesis at the Electroweak Scale”, Phys. Rev. Lett., 133:19 (2024)