В обзоре рассмотрены проблемы радиационных явлений, сопровождающих прохождение заряженных релятивистских частиц и фотонов высоких энергий через периодические среды. Обсуждаются процессы излучения при равномерном движении и при кулоновском рассеянии релятивистских частиц. Полученные в этих областях результаты широко используются в современных физических исследованиях (физика высоких энергий, физика твердого тела, создание новых технологий и аппаратуры).
Образец цитирования:
М. Л. Тер-Микаелян, “Радиационные электромагнитные процессы при высоких энергиях в периодических средах”, УФН, 171:6 (2001), 597–624; Phys. Usp., 44:6 (2001), 571–596
Образцы ссылок на эту страницу:
Эта публикация цитируется в следующих 41 статьяx:
A. Shchagin, G. Kube, A. Potylitsyn, S. Strokov, “Doppler effect in vacuum, homogeneous, and periodical media in X-ray range”, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2025, 170235
Xihang Shi, Lee Wei Wesley Wong, Sunchao Huang, Liang Jie Wong, Ido Kaminer, “Transverse recoil imprinted on free-electron radiation”, Nat Commun, 15:1 (2024)
Andrei Korol, Andrey V. Solov'yov, Particle Acceleration and Detection, Novel Lights Sources Beyond Free Electron Lasers, 2022, 17
Abdrashitov V S., Kunashenko Yu.P., Pivovarov Yu.L., Dabagov S.B., “On a Crystal Assisted Positron Source By 10 Divided By 50 Mev Electrons”, J. Instrum., 15:10 (2020), C10011
Shen H., Zhao Q., Zhang F.S., Sushko G.B., Korol A.V., Solov'yov A.V., “Channeling and Radiation of 855 Mev Electrons and Positrons in Straight and Bent Tungsten (110) Crystals”, Nucl. Instrum. Methods Phys. Res. Sect. B-Beam Interact. Mater. Atoms, 424 (2018), 26–36
Naumenko G.A., Shevelev M.V., Popov Yu.A., “Coherent forward and backward diffraction radiation of relativistic electrons in a dielectric targets”, Xi International Symposium on Radiation From Relativistic Electrons in Periodic Structures (Rreps2015), Journal of Physics Conference Series, 732, eds. Karataev P., Potylitsyn A., Strikhanov M., Tyukhtin A., IOP Publishing Ltd, 2016, UNSP 012020
А. В. Щагин, “Коэффициенты Френеля для параметрического рентгеновского (черенковского) излучения”, УФН, 185:8 (2015), 885–894; A. V. Shchagin, “Fresnel coefficients for parametric X-ray (Cherenkov) radiation”, Phys. Usp., 58:8 (2015), 819–827
Electromagnetic Phenomena in Matter, 2015, 689
Yu. O. Averkov, V. M. Yakovenko, V. A. Yampol'skii, Franco Nori, “Terahertz transition radiation of bulk and surface electromagnetic waves by an electron entering a layered superconductor”, Phys. Rev. B, 89:9 (2014)
Kobzev A.P., “on the Radiation Mechanism of a Uniformly Moving Charge”, Phys. Part. Nuclei, 45:3 (2014), 628–653
Morokhovskii V.L., “Coherent Polarization Radiation of Relativistic Electrons in Crystals”, Probl. At. Sci. Tech., 2014, no. 5, 124–135
Averkov Yu.O. Yakovenko V.M. Yampol'skii V.A., “Transition Radiation of an Electron Crossing an Interface Between a Dielectric and a Layered Superconductor”, Probl. At. Sci. Tech., 2013, no. 4, 15–20
Andrey V. Korol, Andrey V. Solov'yov, Walter Greiner, Springer Series on Atomic, Optical, and Plasma Physics, 69, Channeling and Radiation in Periodically Bent Crystals, 2013, 13
A V Shchagin, “Possibilities for measurement of nano-crystallites size with use of parametric X-ray radiation”, J Phys Conf Ser, 236 (2010), 012020
Shchagin A.V., “Possibility for Measurement of Nanocrystal Size with Use of Parametric X-Ray Radiation”, Probl. At. Sci. Tech., 2010, no. 2, 197–199
Alexander Petrovich Potylitsyn, Mikhail Ivanovich Ryazanov, Mikhail Nikolaevich Strikhanov, Alexey Alexandrovich Tishchenko, Springer Tracts in Modern Physics, 239, Diffraction Radiation from Relativistic Particles, 2010, 105
И. Н. Топтыгин, Г. Д. Флейшман, “Генерация собственных мод заданным током в анизотропных и гиротропных средах”, УФН, 178:4 (2008), 385–396; I. N. Toptygin, G. D. Fleishman, “Eigenmode generation by a given current in anisotropic and gyrotropic media”, Phys. Usp., 51:4 (2008), 363–374
Shchagin A.V., Sotnikov V.V., “Structure of Angular Distribution of Yield, Energy and Linear Polarization Directions in Reflections of Parametric X-Ray Radiation”, Probl. At. Sci. Tech., 2008, no. 4, 316–321
Gevorgian L., “Effect of Harmonics Coherence in Resonant Transition Radiation - Art. No. 663413”, International Conference on Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena II - Channeling 2006, Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 6634, ed. Dabagov S., SPIE-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2007, 663413, 63413
Shchagin A.V., “Diffraction in Forward Direction of Parametric X-Ray Radiation From Relativistic Particles of Moderate Energy - Art. No. 663418”, International Conference on Charged and Neutral Particles Channeling Phenomena II - Channeling 2006, Proceedings of the Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE), 6634, ed. Dabagov S., SPIE-Int Soc Optical Engineering, 2007, 663418, 63418