Изучается асимптотическое поведение решений гиперболических уравнений с затуханием, в которых участвуют сильно вырожденные дифференциальные операторы. Для рассматриваемого гиперболического уравнения установлено существование глобального аттрактора и доказана его конечномерность.
Образец цитирования:
З. Ч. Луен, Н. М. Чи, “Поведениe на больших промежутках времени решений вырожденных гиперболических уравнений с затуханием”, Сиб. матем. журн., 57:4 (2016), 809–829; Siberian Math. J., 57:4 (2016), 632–649
Duong Trong Luyen, Mai Thi Thu Trang, “Multiple Solutions to Boundary-Value Problems for Fourth-Order Elliptic Equations”, Ukr Math J, 75:6 (2023), 950
Duong Trong Luyen, Mai Thi Thu Trang, “Multiple solutions to boundary-value problems for fourth-order elliptic equations”, Ukr. Mat. Zhurn., 75:6 (2023), 830
Luyen D.T., Cuong Ph.V., “Multiple Solutions to Boundary Value Problems For Semilinear Strongly Degenerate Elliptic Differential Equations”, Rend. Circ. Mat. Palermo, 71:1 (2022), 495–513
Duong Trong Luyen, Le Thi Hong Hanh, “Infinitely many solutions for perturbed Λγ-Laplace equations”, Georgian Mathematical Journal, 29:6 (2022), 863
Duong Trong Luyen, Le Thi Hong Hanh, “Three nontrivial solutions of boundary value problems for semilinear Δγ−Laplace equation”, bspm, 40 (2022), 1
D. T. Luyen, “Picone's identity for increment (gamma) -Laplace operator and its applications”, Ukr. Math. J., 73:4 (2021), 601–609
Duong Trong Luyen, Phung Thi Kim Yen, “Long time behavior of solutions to semilinear hyperbolic equations involving strongly degenerate elliptic differential operators”, J. Korean. Math. Soc., 58:5 (2021), 1279–1298
D. T. Luyen, “Picone's identity for -Laplace operator and its applications”, Ukr. Mat. Zhurn., 73:4 (2021), 515
D. T. Luyen, N. M. Tri, “Infinitely many solutions for a class of perturbed degenerate elliptic equations involving the grushin operator”, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 65:12 (2020), 2135–2150
Duong Trong Luyen, “Sign-changing solutions of boundary value problems for semilinear delta(gamma) -Laplace equations”, Rend. Semin. Mat. Univ. Padova, 143 (2020), 113–134
Duong Trong Luyen, Nguyen Minh Tri, “On the existence of multiple solutions to boundary value problems for semilinear elliptic degenerate operators”, Complex Var. Elliptic Equ., 64:6 (2019), 1050–1066
A. E. Kogoj, E. Lanconelli, “Linear and semilinear problems involving Δλ-Laplacians”, Electron. J. Differ. Equ., 2018, no. 25, 167–178
D. T. Luyen, D. T. Huong, L. T. H. Hanh, “Existence of Infinitely Many Solutions for
Δγ-Laplace Problems”, Матем. заметки, 103:5 (2018), 724–736; D. T. Luyen, D. T. Huong, L. T. H. Hanh, “Existence of Infinitely Many Solutions for
Δγ-Laplace Problems”, Math. Notes, 103:5 (2018), 724–736
D. T. Luyen, “Two Nontrivial Solutions of Boundary-Value Problems for Semilinear Δγ-Differential Equations”, Матем. заметки, 101:5 (2017), 815–823; D. T. Luyen, “Two Nontrivial Solutions of Boundary-Value Problems for Semilinear Δγ-Differential Equations”, Math. Notes, 101:5 (2017), 815–823
Duong Trong Luyen, Nguyen Minh Tri, “Global Attractor of the Cauchy Problem For a Semilinear Degenerate Damped Hyperbolic Equation Involving the Grushin Operator”, Ann. Pol. Math., 117:2 (2016), 141–161