The effect of the support nature (SiO2, Al2O3, SiO2–Al2O3) on the catalytic performance of Ni-based catalysts prepared by the incipient wetness method was explored in the dry reforming of methane reaction, and the catalysts were characterized by TG-DTA, SEM-EDX, XRD and UV-VIS methods. The results demonstrate that NiO supported on SiO2-modified Al2O3 exhibits superior catalytic performance in methane dry reforming in the temperature range of 650–700 °C.
Образец цитирования:
A. L. Kustov, T. R. Aymaletdinov, A. A. Shesterkina, K. B. Kalmykov, P. V. Pribytkov, I. V. Mishin, S. F. Dunaev, L. M. Kustov, “Methane dry reforming: influence of the SiO2 and Al2O3 supports on the catalytic properties of Ni catalysts”, Mendeleev Commun., 34:2 (2024), 221–223
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