The effect of the nature of the metal (Fe and Co) deposited on the surface of hydrolysis lignin, as well as the metal content (1, 3, 5 and 7 wt%), on the process of dry catalytic lignin reforming has been studied. The use of the catalyst led to a twofold increase in the conversion of carbon dioxide at temperatures of 500–800 °C, while both metals showed similar activity. The maximum specific catalytic effect is achieved when supporting 7 wt% of active metals.
Образец цитирования:
A. A. Medvedev, A. L. Kustov, D. A. Beldova, A. V. Kravtsov, K. B. Kalmykov, B. Sarkar, E. M. Kostyukhin, L. M. Kustov, “Gasification of hydrolysis lignin with CO2 in the presence of Fe and Co compounds”, Mendeleev Commun., 32:3 (2022), 402–404