Эта публикация цитируется в 15 научных статьях (всего в 15 статьях)
The first example of the ortho-directing effect of the weakly coordinating substituent [–BF3]– in the catalytic hydrodefluorination of the pentafluorophenyltrifluoroborate anion
The pentafluorophenyltrifluoroborate anion undergoes hydrodefluorination under the action of zinc in the presence of nickel complexes turning into the 2,3,4,5-tetrafluoroborate anion.
Образец цитирования:
N. Yu. Adonin, S. A. Prikhod'ko, V. V. Bardin, V. N. Parmon, “The first example of the ortho-directing effect of the weakly coordinating substituent [–BF3]– in the catalytic hydrodefluorination of the pentafluorophenyltrifluoroborate anion”, Mendeleev Commun., 19:5 (2009), 260–262
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Anton Yu. Shabalin, Nicolay Yu. Adonin, Vadim V. Bardin, Sergey A. Prikhod'ko, Maria N. Timofeeva, Maria V. Bykova, Valentin N. Parmon, “Synthesis of K[4-ROC6F4BF3] from potassium pentafluorophenyltrifluoroborate and O-nucleophiles”, Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 149 (2013), 82
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Samuel A. Johnson, Jillian A. Hatnean, Meghan E. Doster, Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, 57, Progress in Inorganic Chemistry, 2011, 255
Moritz F. Kühnel, Dieter Lentz, “Fluorinated dienes in transition-metal chemistry – the rich chemistry of electron-poor ligands”, Dalton Trans., 39:41 (2010), 9745
Moritz F. Kühnel, Dieter Lentz, “Titankatalysierte C‐F‐Aktivierung von Fluoralkenen”, Angewandte Chemie, 122:16 (2010), 2995
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