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Mendeleev Communications, 2017, том 27, выпуск 2, страницы 128–130
(Mi mendc1918)

Эта публикация цитируется в 13 научных статьях (всего в 13 статьях)


Syntheses of chiral nopinane-annelated pyridines of C2 and D2-symmetry: X-ray structures of the fused derivatives of 4,5-diazafluorene, 4,5-diaza-9H-fluoren-9-one, and 9,9’-bi-4,5-diazafluorenylidene

E. S. Vasilyeva, I. Yu. Bagryanskayaa, A. V. Tkachevab

a N.N. Vorozhtsov Novosibirsk Institute of Organic Chemistry, Siberian Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
b Department of Natural Sciences, Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Аннотация: Reaction of (+)-pinocarvone oxime with 2-morpholinocyclopent-2-enone and FeCl3·6H2O affords chiral C2-symmetric fused derivative of 4,5-diazafluorene, whose oxidation with SeO2 gives nopinane-annelated derivatives of 4,5-diaza-9Hfluoren- 9-one (C2-symmetry) and of 9,9-bi-4,5-diazafluorenylidene (D2-symmetry). Structures of the compounds synthesized were proved by X-ray crystallography.
Тип публикации: Статья
Язык публикации: английский
Дополнительные материалы:
Supplementary_data_1.pdf (990.9 Kb)

Образец цитирования: E. S. Vasilyev, I. Yu. Bagryanskaya, A. V. Tkachev, “Syntheses of chiral nopinane-annelated pyridines of C2 and D2-symmetry: X-ray structures of the fused derivatives of 4,5-diazafluorene, 4,5-diaza-9H-fluoren-9-one, and 9,9’-bi-4,5-diazafluorenylidene”, Mendeleev Commun., 27:2 (2017), 128–130
Образцы ссылок на эту страницу:
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    2. D. V. Zubricheva, E. S. Vasilyev, S. N. Bizyaev, V. D. Tikhova, A. V. Tkachev, “Dipinodiazafluorenes as Reagents for the Selective Extraction of Palladium, Gold, and Ruthenium”, Dokl Chem, 510:2 (2023), 137  crossref
    3. Tatyana E. Kokina, Nikita A. Shekhovtsov, Eugene S. Vasilyev, Ludmila A. Glinskaya, Aleksandr V. Mikheylis, Victor F. Plyusnin, Alexey V. Tkachev, Mark B. Bushuev, “Efficient emission of Zn(ii) and Cd(ii) complexes with nopinane-annelated 4,5-diazafluorene and 4,5-diazafluoren-9-one ligands: how slight structural modification alters fluorescence mechanism”, Dalton Trans., 52:22 (2023), 7429  crossref
    4. Yuliya P. Ustimenko, Alexander M. Agafontsev, Aleksey V. Tkachev, “Synthesis of chiral pinopyridines using catalysis by metal complexes”, Chem Heterocycl Comp, 58:2-3 (2022), 135  crossref
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    7. Eugene S. Vasilyev, Sergey N. Bizyaev, Vladislav Yu Komarov, Alexey V. Tkachev, “Bistricyclic aromatic enes annelated with nopinane fragment”, Tetrahedron, 83 (2021), 131979  crossref
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    13. Yakov S. Fomenko, Artem L. Gushchin, Aleksey V. Tkachev, Evgene S. Vasilyev, Pavel A. Abramov, Vladimir A. Nadolinny, Mikhail M. Syrokvashin, Maxim N. Sokolov, “Fist oxidovanadium complexes containing chiral derivatives of dihydrophenanthroline and diazafluorene”, Polyhedron, 135 (2017), 96  crossref
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