By example of fullerene-mediated electrosynthesis of Ag–C60 nanocomposite in water–o-dichlorobenzene, the possibility of using a liquid–liquid two-phase system for the electro- synthesis of metal nanoparticles has been demonstrated for the first time.
Образец цитирования:
V. V. Yanilkin, N. V. Nastapova, G. R. Nasretdinova, R. R. Fazleeva, A. I. Samigullina, A. T. Gubaidullin, Ya. V. Ivshin, V. G. Evtugin, Yu. N. Osin, “Fullerene-mediated electrosynthesis of Ag–C60 nanocomposite in a water-organic two-phase system”, Mendeleev Commun., 27:6 (2017), 577–579
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