Consider an affine Bruhat–Tits building Latn of type An−1 and the complex distance in Latn, i.e., the complete system of invariants of a pair of vertices of the building. An element of the Nazarov semigroup is a lattice in the duplicated p-adic space Qnp⊕Qnp. We investigate the behavior of the complex distance with respect to the natural action of the Nazarov semigroup on the building. Bibliography: 18 titles.
Yu. A. Neretin, “On compression of Bruhat–Tits buildings”, Representation theory, dynamical systems, combinatorial and algoritmic methods. Part XII, Zap. Nauchn. Sem. POMI, 325, POMI, St. Petersburg, 2005, 163–170; J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 138:3 (2006), 5722–5726