High-speed impact loading of
solids is widely used in engineering, industry, military affairs.
In considering of this process the main problem is to study the
level of destruction and fragmentation of interacting solids based
on the calculation and analysis of stress-strain state. The
destruction and fragmentation of obstacles, failure mode, the
processes of spall fracture, the value of overload, integral
resistance force introduction, the final depth of penetration rate
in through the destruction of solids, studies of the effect of
reinforcing the processes of destruction zone configuration shock
interaction, movement solid in the barrier and free space are the
main applied objectives of the study. The analysis of experimental
data shows that the mechanisms of destruction are significantly
change with variation in the parameters of the impacting body and
barrier properties. Therefore, the simulation of these processes
is a topical problem. The simulation of processes of penetration
and destruction is usually performed using numerical methods:
finite element method, and the method of smooth (antialiased)
particles because of their complexity and interconnectedness.
The paper describes the methodology of the processes of
dynamic interaction of solids. A mathematical model of the
interaction includes the laws of conservation of mass, momentum
and energy equations of state, the model of the stress-strain
state of the materials. The numerical model is based on an
approximation of the fundamental laws of conservation of explicit
Euler equations. Interacting bodies are considered as a collection
of particles with certain physical and mechanical properties. This
model is called a smoothed particle hydrodynamics(SPH) method and
is widely used in intensive dynamic loading of bodies, where there
is a significant change in the topology of modeled objects.
theory of deformable solids; simulation; smoothed particle hydrodynamics; SPH; dynamic effects.
A. M. Lipanov, A. V. Vakhrouchev, A. Yu. Fedotov, “Investigation of dynamic interactions of solids by methods of mathematical simulations”, Vestnik YuUrGU. Ser. Mat. Model. Progr., 8:1 (2015), 53–65