The solution of the Cauchy problem for the vector Burgers equation with a small parameter of dissipation ε
in the 4-dimensional space-time is studied:
With the help of the Cole–Hopf transform u=−2ε∇lnH,
the exact solution and its leading asymptotic approximation, depending on six space-time scales, near a singular point are found.
A formula for the growth of partial derivatives of the components of the vector field u on the time interval from the initial moment to the singular point, called the formula of the gradient catastrophe, is established:
The asymptotics of the solution far from the singular point, involving a multistep reconstruction of the space-time scales,
is also obtained:
Sergey V. Zakharov, “Evolution of a multiscale singularity of the solution of the Burgers equation in the 4-dimensional space-time”, Ural Math. J., 8:1 (2022), 136–144
\by Sergey~V.~Zakharov
\paper Evolution of a multiscale singularity of the solution of the Burgers equation in the 4-dimensional space-time
\jour Ural Math. J.
\yr 2022
\vol 8
\issue 1
\pages 136--144
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This publication is cited in the following 1 articles:
S. V. Zakharov, “Reconstructions of the asymptotics of an integral determined by a hyperbolic unimodal singularity”, Funct. Anal. Appl., 57:4 (2023), 314–325