We review a general regularity concerned with the spontaneous formation of alternating-sign L–D hierarchies of chiral structures that are initially nonequilibrium due to homochirality. Mechanical, hydrodynamic, macromolecular, and liquid-crystal systems, as well as proteins and nucleic acids, are considered. Biomacromolecule chirality is related to the presence of an asymmetric carbon atom and, further, to the formation of helical and superhelical intra- and supramolecular structures. Chirality is a physical vehicle that generates stratification and folding in biological macromolecular systems. The hierarchies of alternating-sign chiral structures underlie„ the formation of a periodic molecular-biological system of cells.
V. A. Tverdislov, E. V. Malyshko, “On regularities in the spontaneous formation of structural hierarchies in chiral systems of nonliving and living matter”, UFN, 189:4 (2019), 375–385; Phys. Usp., 62:4 (2019), 354–363
\by V.~A.~Tverdislov, E.~V.~Malyshko
\paper On regularities in the spontaneous formation of structural hierarchies in chiral systems of nonliving and living matter
\jour UFN
\yr 2019
\vol 189
\issue 4
\pages 375--385
\jour Phys. Usp.
\yr 2019
\vol 62
\issue 4
\pages 354--363
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