The highly debated problem of choosing the energy–momentum tensor in electrodynamics is examined. Electromagnetic forces in a continuum medium that follow from the Minkowski and Abraham tensors are considered. It is shown that the conservation equations for both Minkowski's momentum density and Abraham's momentum simultaneously follow from the Minkowski tensor and that they are the components of a composite electromagnetic momentum in the medium. It is shown that choosing canonical matter equations reduces the Abraham force to zero. We argue in favor of choosing the Minkowski tensor and show the incompleteness of the Abraham tensor.
Received:January 28, 2017 Revised:November 20, 2017 Accepted: November 29, 2017
Yu. A. Spirichev, “On choosing the energy–momentum tensor in electrodynamics and on the Abraham force”, UFN, 188:3 (2018), 325–328; Phys. Usp., 61:3 (2018), 303–306