The process of investigation of a complex of liquid and gas thermophysical properties (heat capacity, PVT) by means of the Kh.I. Amirkhanov’s high-temperature adiabatic calorimeter is described. The technique of automation of that experimental facility by means of measuring and controlling devices and a personal computer is descibed as well.
This work was supported by the Russian Foundation for Basic Research, project nos. 07-08-00369 and 08-02-05047, and a grant of the President of the Russian Federation for Support of Leading Scientific Schools of the Russian Federation, project no. NSh-4526.2008.2.
V. A. Mirskaya, D. A. Nazarevich, N. V. Ibavov, “Automated experimental facility to investigate a complex of thermophysical properties of liquids and gases”, TVT, 54:2 (2016), 237–242; High Temperature, 54:2 (2016), 223–228
\by V.~A.~Mirskaya, D.~A.~Nazarevich, N.~V.~Ibavov
\paper Automated experimental facility to investigate a complex of thermophysical properties of liquids and gases
\jour TVT
\yr 2016
\vol 54
\issue 2
\pages 237--242
\jour High Temperature
\yr 2016
\vol 54
\issue 2
\pages 223--228
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