Following the course of previously published series, this work studies in detail the correlation of the volumetric thermal expansion coefficient β(T) and the heat capacity C(T) of refractory tantalum. It is demonstrated that a clear correlation β(C) takes place in the lower temperature range and remains up to the metal melting point inclusively. Significant deviation from lower temperature linear behavior of the β(C) dependence occurs when the heat capacity reaches the classical 3R Dulong–Petit limit. The temperature dependence of differential Grüneisen parameter γ′∼(∂β/∂C) is estimated.
V. Yu. Bodryakov, “Correlation between temperature dependences of thermal expansivity and heat capacity up to the melting point of tantalum”, TVT, 54:3 (2016), 336–342; High Temperature, 54:3 (2016), 316–321
\by V.~Yu.~Bodryakov
\paper Correlation between temperature dependences of thermal expansivity and heat capacity up to the melting point of tantalum
\jour TVT
\yr 2016
\vol 54
\issue 3
\pages 336--342
\jour High Temperature
\yr 2016
\vol 54
\issue 3
\pages 316--321
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