Let R+=[0,∞) and C be the space of continuous functions on R+ “starting” from zero with the topology of uniform convergence on compacts.
Let A:R+×C↦R+ be a Borel functional such that
(i) for each x∈C, A(⋅,x)∈C and is non-decreasing,
(ii) the set
is relatively compact in C,
(iii) for each t∈R+, A(t,⋅) is continuous, and
(iv) for each t∈R+, xs=ys(0⩽s⩽t) implies
Then we prove that (on some probability space) there exists a continuous martingale X such that its Meyer squared variation process
In particular, in case
where a2 is a bounded non-anticipative function, it follows that in the conditions of D. W. Stroock and S. R. S. Varadhan [12] continuity in (s,x) may he replaced by that in x only.
M. P. Ershov, “The esistence of a martingale with given diffusion functional”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 19:4 (1974), 665–687; Theory Probab. Appl., 19:4 (1975), 633–655