Let $X(t,\omega)$ be a separable Gaussian process,
\forall t\mathbf EX_t\ge0,\quad f(\omega)=\sup_tX(t,\omega)<\infty\quad\text{with probability }1,
F(a)=\mathbf P\{f<a\};\quad\inf\{a\colon F(a)>0\}=a_0\in[-\infty,+\infty).
Then the density $F'(a)$ exists and is continuous at every $a$ except, may be, $a_0$ (at this and only this point $F$ may have a jump!) and at most countable set of points, at which $F'$ has jumps downwards. The density $F'(a)$ decreases almost as rapidly as $\exp(-a^2/2)$ when $a\to+\infty$.
Provided $\mathbf EX_t$ and $\mathbf EX_t^2$ do not depend on $t$, $F$ is continuous everywhere and $F'$ everywhere except, may be, $a_0$, where $F$' may have a jump of a finite size. Asymptotic behaviour of $1-F$ at $+\infty$ determines that of $F'$. Corresponding inequalities are given.
B. S. Tsirel'son, “The density of the distribution of the maximum of a Gaussian process”, Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen., 20:4 (1975), 865–873; Theory Probab. Appl., 20:4 (1976), 847–856
\by B.~S.~Tsirel'son
\paper The density of the distribution of the maximum of a~Gaussian process
\jour Teor. Veroyatnost. i Primenen.
\yr 1975
\vol 20
\issue 4
\pages 865--873
\jour Theory Probab. Appl.
\yr 1976
\vol 20
\issue 4
\pages 847--856
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