A baryon model with three particles (quarks) pairwise connected by relativistic strings forming a curvilinear triangle is considered. The classical analytic solutions corresponding to a uniform plane rotation of the system with arbitrary quark masses mi are found for this model. The sections of the related world surfaces by the plane t=const are curvilinear triangles composed of segments of a hypocycloid. A complete classification of the types of motion is suggested, based on differences in topological configuration and the presence and number of interior massless points on the string that move at the velocity of light. The classification results from investigating the limiting states as mi→0. The calculated energy dependence of the angular momentum of the motions creates possibilities to model baryon states on Regge trajectories using these motions.
G. S. Sharov, “Classification of rotational motions for the baryon model “triangle””, TMF, 114:2 (1998), 277–295; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 114:2 (1998), 220–234
\by G.~S.~Sharov
\paper Classification of rotational motions for the baryon model ``triangle''
\jour TMF
\yr 1998
\vol 114
\issue 2
\pages 277--295
\jour Theoret. and Math. Phys.
\yr 1998
\vol 114
\issue 2
\pages 220--234
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