To study the representation category of the triplet W-algebra
that is the symmetry of the (1,p) logarithmic conformal field theory model,
we propose the equivalent category \EuScriptCp of finite-dimensional
representations of the restricted quantum group
¯\EuScriptUqsℓ(2) at
q=eiπ/p. We fully describe the category \EuScriptCp by classifying all
indecomposable representations. These are exhausted by projective modules and
three series of representations that are essentially described by
indecomposable representations of the Kronecker quiver. The equivalence of
the W(p)- and
¯\EuScriptUqsℓ(2)-representation categories is conjectured for
all p⩾2 and proved for p=2. The implications include identifying the quantum group center with the logarithmic conformal field theory center and
the universal R-matrix with the braiding matrix.
A. M. Gainutdinov, A. M. Semikhatov, I. Yu. Tipunin, B. L. Feigin, “Kazhdan–Lusztig correspondence for the representation category of the triplet W-algebra in logarithmic CFT”, TMF, 148:3 (2006), 398–427; Theoret. and Math. Phys., 148:3 (2006), 1210–1235
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