We consider the solvability of boundary value problems and some inverse problems for operator-differential equations of odd order which can be referred to as mixed type equations since the coefficient of the higher order time derivative can change sign. Studying the general classes of boundary value problems with nonlocal boundary conditions, we establish the existence and uniqueness theorems of regular solutions under some conditions on data.
Keywords:operator-differential equation, nonlocal boundary value problem, inverse problem, mixed type equation.
S. G. Pyatkov, “Boundary value and inverse problems for some classes of nonclassical operator-differential equations”, Sibirsk. Mat. Zh., 62:3 (2021), 603–618; Siberian Math. J., 62:3 (2021), 489–502
\by S.~G.~Pyatkov
\paper Boundary value and inverse problems for some classes of nonclassical operator-differential equations
\jour Sibirsk. Mat. Zh.
\yr 2021
\vol 62
\issue 3
\pages 603--618
\jour Siberian Math. J.
\yr 2021
\vol 62
\issue 3
\pages 489--502
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