It is shown that any finite orthogonal system of functions whose norms in Lp are bounded by 1, where p>2, has a sufficiently dense subsystem with lacunarity property in the Orlicz space. The norm of the maximal partial sum operator for this subsystem has a better estimate than it is guaranteed by the classical Menshov-Rademacher theorem for general orthogonal systems.
Bibliography: 17 titles.
lacunary subsystems, maximal partial sum operator, Orlicz space
Theorems 1 and 2 were proved at the Steklov International Mathematical Center; this was supported by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation (agreement no. 075-15-2022-265). Research on Theorems 3 and 4 was performed at Lomonosov Moscow State University and supported by the Russian Science Foundation under grant no. 23-71-30001 (https://rscf.ru/en/project/23-71-30001/).
In this paper we refine and prove the results announced in [15] (also see [16], Ch. 2). The problem under consideration concerns finding subsystems of orthogonal systems that have the property of lacunarity. The investigations of various classes of lacunary orthonormal systems began in Banach’s works of the 1930s (see [4] and [9]). Such mathematicians as Banach, Marcinkiewicz, Erdős, Agaev, Astashkin, Balykbaev, Bourgain, Vilenkin, Gaposhkin (see the survey [7]), Kashin, Karagulyan, Pisier, Rudin, Sidon, Sepp, Stechkin, Talagrand and others worked in this area in different periods of time.
Let 2<p<∞. Recall that an orthonormal system of functions Φ={φk}∞k=1 is called a p-lacunary system, or an Sp-system, if for some constant K, for each polynomial P=∑Nk=1akφk in this system we have
(see details in [9]). To indicate the dependence on K we also say that Φ is a Sp(K)-system. The following result was presented in [9] (with a reference to Banach [4]).
Theorem A. Let p>2, and let Φ={φk}∞k=1 be an orthonormal system such that
Then there exists an infinite set of positive integers Λ such that {φk}k∈Λ is an Sp-system.
Let (X,μ) be a probability space. Below we consider the scale of Orlicz spaces Lψα(X), where
and the Luxemburg norm of a function f∈Lψα(X) is defined by
An orthonormal system \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^{\infty} is said to be \psi_{\alpha}-lacunary if for some constant K the inequality \| P\|_{L_{\psi_{\alpha}}}\leqslant K \| P\|_{L_2} holds for each polynomial P=\sum_{k=1}^N a_k\varphi_k with respect to the system \Phi.
Analogues of Theorem A for orthonormal systems with elements bounded uniformly in the norm of an Orlicz space L_{\psi_{\alpha}} (or a more general space) were established by Balykbaev [2], [3]. Karagulyan [10] showed that for all \lambda>1 and 2<q<p, under the assumptions of Theorem A there exists an S_q-subsystem \{\varphi_{n_k}\}_{k=1}^{\infty} such that n_k<\lambda^k for k>k_0(\lambda). The natural question of the maximum density of the sequence \Lambda in Theorem A turns out to be quite complicated. For arbitrary p>2 it had remained open even in the case of the trigonometric system until Bourgain published his breakthrough paper [5], where he established the following result.
Theorem B. Let p>2, and let \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N be an orthonormal system such that
\|\varphi_k\|_{L_{\infty}}\leqslant M, \qquad k=1, 2,\dots, N.
Then there exists a set \Lambda\subset\langle N\rangle such that |\Lambda|\geqslant N^{2/p} and for each polynomial P=\sum_{k\in\Lambda} a_k\varphi_k estimate (1.1) holds for K=K(M, p).
Here and below we let \langle N\rangle denote the set \{1, 2,\dots, N \}, and let |\Lambda| denote the cardinality of the finite set \Lambda; in what follows \log denotes \log_2. For \Lambda\subset \langle N\rangle we denote by S_{\Lambda} the operator acting by the formula
Note that for even integers p>2, provided that the functions have a bounded norm in L_{p+\delta}, 0<\delta\leqslant p-2, a definitive result is due to Agaev (see [1], Theorem 1). Subsequently, Talagrand [17], who used another method, generalized Bourgain’s result to L_{p,1}-spaces and obtained some quantitative results for \theta-smooth spaces, where 1< \theta\leqslant 2. Also note the paper [8], where the authors were looking for subsystems \Phi_{\Lambda} such that the operator S_{\Lambda}\colon l_2(\Lambda)\to L_p has a controllable norm in the case when |\Lambda| is of order N^{2/p}\log^{\beta} N, \beta>0.
It is clear that for the set \Lambda, whose existence was established in Theorem B, we have
By weakly lacunary systems we mean ones for which estimates characteristic for ‘sparse’ systems hold, which, however, are weaker than (1.1) — for example, \psi_{\alpha}-lacunary systems.
In [13], Theorem 1 (also see [12]), using a modification of the method in [5], the authors established Theorem C, which is an analogue of estimate (1.3) for Orlicz spaces L_{\psi_{\alpha}} (see (1.2)) and holds for arbitrary orthogonal systems with uniformly bounded elements. Of course, in this case one can ensure a larger density of the set \Lambda than in Theorem B.
Theorem C. Fix \alpha>0 and \rho>0. Then for an arbitrary orthogonal system \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N satisfying
\|\varphi_k\|_{L_{\infty}}\leqslant 1, \qquad k=1, 2,\dots, N,
the following inequality holds with probability greater than 1-C(\rho)N^{-9} for the random set \Lambda=\Lambda(\omega) =\{i\in\langle N\rangle\colon \xi_i(\omega)=1\} generated by a system of independent random variables \{\xi_i(\omega)\}_{i=1}^N taking values 0 or 1 such that \mathbb{E}\xi_i=\log^{-\rho}(N+3), 1\leqslant i\leqslant N:
In [1], Theorem 5, Agaev reproduced an example due to Gaposhkin which shows that if the condition of uniform boundedness of functions is replaced by the boundedness of their norms in L_p, p>2, then, as concerns the number of functions in an S_p-subsystem, the situation changes significantly.
Theorem D. For p\geqslant 2 and \delta\geqslant 0 there exists M(\delta, p)>0 such that for each N\geqslant 1 there exists an orthonormal system \Phi=\{\varphi_k(x)\}_{k=1}^N on [0,1] with the following properties:
In particular, in the case when the L_p-norms of functions are uniformly bounded (but no other constraints are imposed) one cannot guarantee the existence of an S_p-subsystem of cardinality growing as N\to\infty. As concerns the density of weakly lacunary subsystems in L_{\psi_{\alpha}}, we can replace the condition that their L_{\infty}-norms are bounded by 1 by the condition
\|\varphi_k\|_{L_{p}}\leqslant 1, \qquad k=1, 2,\dots, N,
for some p>2, and Theorem C will still be valid (see Remark 5). Theorem 2 below is a generalization of Theorem C to the case of S_{\Lambda} acting from l_2(\Lambda) to L_{\psi_{\alpha}}(X) and of functions satisfying the weaker condition (1.5) for p>2. Note that in [15] we announced Theorem 2 for systems of functions satisfying condition (1.5) for p>4.
Consider the maximal partial sum operator S_{\Phi}^*, which assigns to a vector \{a_k\}_{k=1}^N in \mathbb{R}^N the function
It is well known (see [14]) that the lacunarity property allows one to improve estimates for the norm of S_{\Phi}^*. For example, Stechkin generalized a result of Erdős for the trigonometric system by showing (see [14], Theorem 9.8) that if \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^{\infty} is an S_p(K)-system, then \|S_{\Phi}^*\colon l_2\to L_p(X)\|\leqslant C(K). It follows from Balykbaev’s results in [3] that S_{\Phi}^* is a bounded operator from l_2 to L_{\psi_{\alpha}}(X) (and therefore also to L_2(X)) in the case of a \psi_{\alpha}-lacunary orthonormal system \Phi for \alpha>4.
It was shown in [13] that for \rho>4 each orthogonal system \{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N with property (1.4) has a subsystem \Phi_{\Lambda} of N/\log^{\rho}(N+3) functions such that \|S_{\Phi_{\Lambda}}^{*}\colon l_{\infty}(\Lambda) \to L_{2}(X)\|\leqslant C(\rho)\sqrt{|\Lambda|}. Theorem 3 below claims that for the subsystem found in Theorem 2 the norm of the maximal partial sum operator from l_2(\Lambda) to L_2(X) has a better estimate than the classical Menshov-Rademacher theorem (for instance, see [14], Theorem 9.1) guarantees for general orthogonal systems. Also note a deep result of Bourgain [6], who showed that under the assumptions of Theorem B the system \Phi can be rearranged so that the norm of the maximal partial sum operator with respect to the resulting system as an operator from l_2 to L_{2} is bounded by C(M)\log\log N.
The main results of the paper, namely, Theorems 2 and 3, are stated and proved in § 4.
§ 2. Auxiliary results
2.1. Estimates related to the norm of the space L_{\psi_{\alpha}}
In this subsection we prove Lemmas 1 and 2, which we require for the proof of Lemma 8, our main lemma. Corollary 1 will be needed in the proof of Theorem 1. Recall that the function u_{\alpha} was defined in (1.2).
Lemma 1. For \lambda\geqslant 1, K>e, p>2 and \alpha>0
Proof. Let g\in L_p(X), \|g\|_{L_2(X)}\leqslant 1 and \|g\|_{L_p(X)}\leqslant K. Set C_0=K^{p/(p-2)}>e. We represent X as a union X=X_1\cup X_2, where X_1=\{x\in X\colon |g(x)|<C_0\} and X_2=\{x\in X\colon |g(x)|\geqslant C_0\}. Let g_1=gI_{X_1} and g_2=gI_{X_2}, where I_S denotes the indicator function of the set S. Then we have
From (2.1)–(2.3) we obtain the result of Lemma 1 and complete the proof.
Corollary 1. Let \alpha>0 and p>2. Then any function g such that \|g\|_{L_p(X)}\leqslant K, where K>e, and \|g\|_{L_2(X)}\leqslant 1 satisfies the inequality
Proof. We can assume that \|g\|_{\psi_{\alpha}}\geqslant 1, for otherwise (2.4) is obvious. It follows from the definition of u_{\alpha} that u_{\alpha}=u_{\alpha/2}^2, so that by Lemma 1, for \lambda\geqslant 1 we have
The aim of this subsection is to prove Lemma 7. Note that in [5] (also see [13], Lemma 8) Lemma 7 was proved for uniformly bounded orthogonal systems but it was mentioned in [6] (without further comments) that it also holds for orthogonal systems of functions with uniformly bounded L_p-norms, p>2. The proof is as in [5] (and/or [6]), but the transition from (2.10) to (2.12) needs a further justification.
Definition. For S\subset L_q(X) the metric entropyN_{q}(S, t) is the minimum number of balls in L_q(X) or radius t with centres in S such that their union covers S.
We state and prove a modification of a classical result on the cardinality of an \varepsilon-net for a unit ball in an m-dimensional space.
Lemma 3. Let B be a unit ball in an m-dimensional normed space X and M\subset B be some subset. Then for each \varepsilon\leqslant 1 there exists an \varepsilon-net \mathbb{G} of M of cardinality at most (3/\varepsilon)^m such that \mathbb{G}\subset M.
Proof. We use a standard argument with estimates for volumes. Assume without loss of generality that B has its centre at zero. Let r\colon X\to \mathbb{R}^m be the natural isomorphism. Let G be a maximal \varepsilon-distinguishable set of vectors in M; then G forms an \varepsilon-net for M. Now we estimate |G|. Let \operatorname{Vol} denote the volume of sets in \mathbb{R}^m. Let B_1, \dots, B_{|G|} be open balls of radius \varepsilon/2 in S with centres in G. Clearly, B_j\subset (1+\varepsilon/2)B, \operatorname{Vol}(r(B_j))=(\varepsilon/2)^m\operatorname{Vol}(r(B)), j=1,\dots, |G|, and the sets r(B_j) with distinct indices j are disjoint. Therefore,
which yields |G|\leqslant (2/\varepsilon+1)^m\leqslant (3/\varepsilon)^m, so that G is the required net.
The proof is complete.
In what follows we often use the following well-known estimate for binomial coefficients: for some absolute positive constant C and 1\leqslant m\leqslant n
The following simple result is often used for estimates of entropy.
Lemma 4. Let \Phi=\{\varphi_{i}\}_{i=1}^{n} be an orthogonal system of functions in L_q(X), q\geqslant 2, let I\subset\{1,\dots, n\}, |I|=m_0, and let b_1, b_2\in\mathbb{R}, 0<b_1<b_2. Then
where \overline{a}=(a_1,\dots, a_n)\in\mathbb{R}^n.
Proof. Set \mathcal{P}_I = \bigl\{\sum_{i\in I}a_i\varphi_i \colon \|\overline{a}\|_2\leqslant 1\bigr\} and N_{b_2} = N_q(\mathcal{P}_I, b_2). Let B_1, \dots,B_{N_{b_2}} be balls of radius b_2 in the m_0-dimensional space \bigl\{\sum_{i\in I}a_i\varphi_i \colon a_i\in\mathbb{R}\bigr\} which have centres f_1, \dots, f_{N_{b_2}}\in \mathcal{P}_I and cover \mathcal{P}_I. Using Lemma 3, for each set B_j\cap \mathcal{P}_I, j=1,\dots, N_{b_2}, we find a cover consisting of at most (3b_2/b_1)^{m_0} balls of radius b_1 with centres in \mathcal{P}_I. The union of the covers of the sets B_1\cap \mathcal{P}_I,\dots, B_{N_{b_2}}\cap \mathcal{P}_I is a b_1-cover of \mathcal{P}_I; it contains at most N_{b_2}\cdot(3b_2/b_1)^{m_0} elements, so that
Corollary 2. Under the assumptions of Lemma 4 let \|\varphi_i\|_q\leqslant K, i= 1,\dots, n. Then the following estimate holds for 0<b_1<b_2=\sqrt{m_0}K:
Proof. For I\subset\langle n\rangle set \mathcal{P}_I=\{\sum_{i\in I} a_i\varphi_i\colon \|\overline{a}\|_2\leqslant 1\}. To each f\in\mathcal{P}_m we can assign some set I(f)\subset\langle n\rangle of cardinality |I(f)|=m such that f\in\mathcal{P}_{I(f)}. Fix such a correspondence. Let B_1,\dots, B_{N_q(\mathcal{P}_m, b_2)} be balls of radius b_2 with centres f_1, \dots, f_{N_q(\mathcal{P}_m, b_2)}\in \mathcal{P}_m that cover \mathcal{P}_m. We will construct a cover \Omega of the set \mathcal{P}_m by at most \binom{n}{m}N_q(\mathcal{P}_m, b_2) balls of radius 2b_2 that has the following property: for each f\in\mathcal{P}_m there is a ball in \Omega with centre \widetilde f in \mathcal{P}_{I(f)} that covers f and, moreover, I(\widetilde f)=I(f). We construct the set Z of centres of balls in \Omega. First we put in Z the points f_1, \dots, f_{N_q(\mathcal{P}_m, b_2)}. Let k\in\{1,\dots, N_q(\mathcal{P}_m, b_2)\} and J\subset \langle n\rangle, |J|=m, satisfy J\neq I(f_k). Set M_{J, k}=\{f\in\mathcal{P}_J\colon \|f-f_k\|_q\leqslant b_2, \ I(f)=J\}. If M_{J, k} is nonempty, then we add to Z some (arbitrary) element of M_{J, k}. Performing the same procedure for all k=1,\dots, N_q(\mathcal{P}_m, b_2) and J\subset \langle n\rangle such that |J|=m and J\neq I(f_k), we obtain the required cover. Let f\in Z, and let B be a ball in \Omega with centre f. By Lemma 3, any set B\cap\mathcal{P}_{I(f)}, which is a subset of a ball of radius 2b_2 in the m-dimensional space \bigl\{\sum_{i\in I(f)}a_i\varphi_i \colon a_i\in\mathbb{R}\bigr\}, can be covered by at most (6b_2/b_1)^m balls of radius b_1 with centres in B\cap\mathcal{P}_{I(f)}. The system of all these balls for all f\in Z is a b_1-cover of \mathcal{P}_m with at most \binom{n}{m}N_q(\mathcal{P}_m, b_2)(6b_2/b_1)^m elements, so that
Lemma 6. Let \Phi=\{\varphi_{i}\}_{i=1}^{n} be an orthogonal system of functions such that \|\varphi_{i}\|_{q_0}\leqslant 1, i=1,\dots, n, for some q_0>2. Then for 2< q\leqslant q_0 there exists c(q)>1 such that for t>c(q)
so for t\geqslant\sqrt{m} inequality (2.8) is obviously true. Let t<\sqrt{m}.
Assume that 2^{(k-2)/2}\leqslant t<2^{(k-1)/2}, k\geqslant 4. We consider a function f=\sum_{i \in A} a_{i} \varphi_{i}, where \|\overline{a}\|_2\leqslant 1 and |A|\leqslant m, and write the chain of equalities
We estimate the first term in (2.10) taking the inequalities \|\varphi_i\|_q\leqslant \|\varphi_i\|_{q_0}\leqslant 1, i\in\langle n\rangle, into account:
Taking (2.9) and (2.12)–(2.14) into account we can find a sufficiently large \widetilde{c}(c_1, c_2)\equiv \widetilde{c}>3 and can select the signs \varepsilon_i^j so that the function
Let \widetilde{N}_q(\mathcal{P}_m, r) be the minimum number of balls of radius r in L_q(X) (not necessarily with centres in \mathcal{P}_m) such that their union covers \mathcal{P}_m. It follows from (2.15) that each \widetilde{c}t/2-net for \frac{\widetilde{c}}{2}t\mathcal{P}_{[{m}/{t^2}]} is a \widetilde{c}t-net for \mathcal{P}_m. Therefore,
Now suppose that {m}/{t^{2r+2}}\leqslant 1<{m}/{t^{2r}}, where r\in\mathbb{N}, r>1. We estimate the second term in (2.16) using the same method involving a reduction of the support as in establishing (2.16); it is important here that c_1, c_2 and c depend only on q. The same arguments as above show that for t>2 and each I\subset\langle n\rangle we have
(if |I|/t^2<1, then the last inequality is obvious; for |I|/t^2\geqslant 1 we have used (2.6) and the fact that |I|/[|I|/t^2]\leqslant 2t^2\leqslant t^3). Note that in (2.17) we can take the greatest integer function in place of [|I|/t^2].
Using Lemma 4 and inequality (2.17)r-1 times sequentially, we obtain
here in the next to the last inequality we used Corollary 2, while the last inequality holds because t>2. Each t_1>2c can be represented as t_1=ct for t>2, so that combining the estimates obtained we have
Lemma 7. Let \Phi=\{\varphi_{i}\}_{i=1}^{n} be an orthogonal system of functions such that \|\varphi_{i}\|_{q_0}\leqslant 1, i=1,\dots, n, for some q_0>2. Then for 2< q< q_0 there exist C(q_0, q)>0 and \eta=\eta(q_0,q)>2 such that
where c(q_0) is the constant in Lemma 6. For any f, g \in \mathcal{P}_{m} we have \|f\|_2\leqslant 1 and \|g\|_2\leqslant 1, so that by Hölder’s inequality
(apart from Lemma 4, in the second inequality we also used (2.6), and in the next to the last inequality we used Lemma 7 for n=m and t=1).
The proof is complete.
§ 3. Main lemma
Let U_2(\Lambda)\subset\mathbb{R}^N be the set of vectors of Euclidean norm 1 and with support in \Lambda\subset\langle N\rangle such that all their nonzero components have the same modulus:
U_2(\Lambda)=\biggl\{\overline{a}=\{a_i\}_{i=1}^N\colon \operatorname{supp}(\overline{a})\subset \Lambda \text{ and for } i\in\operatorname{supp}(\overline{a})\ \ |a_i|=\frac{1}{\sqrt{|\operatorname{supp}(\overline{a})|}}\biggr\},
where \operatorname{supp}(\overline{a})=\{i\in\langle N\rangle\colon a_i\neq 0\}.
For m_0\leqslant |\Lambda| we set U_2(\Lambda, m_0) =\{\overline{a}\in U_2(\Lambda)\colon |{\operatorname{supp}(\overline{a})}|=m_0\}.
For m\in\langle N\rangle let H_{m} denote the family of subsets A of \langle N\rangle such that |A|\leqslant m.
Let \{\xi_i(\omega)\}_{i=1}^N be a system of independent random variables (selectors) defined on the probability space (\Omega, \nu) such that
(in what follows \delta=\log^{-\rho}(N+3), so we write J_{m, m_0, \rho}).
Proceeding as in [13] we find an upper estimate for \|J_{m, m_0, \rho}(\omega)\|_{q_0} in the case when q_0=\log N. Taking this value of q_0 has an advantage: if \|f\|_{q_0}=1 for q_0=\log N, then for some absolute constant K we have
(here m>0, m_0\leqslant m and \rho>0 are assumed to be fixed).
Lemma 9. For some \lambda\geqslant 1, q_0 \geqslant 1, m\in\langle N\rangle and m_0\leqslant m let \|F_{\lambda}(\omega)\|_{q_0}\leqslant 1. Then \|J_{m, m_0, \rho}(\omega)\|_{q_0}\leqslant 2\lambda.
Proof. We represent \Omega in the form \Omega=B\cup C, where
Let \omega\in C. We denote by \widetilde{A}, \widetilde{\overline{a}} a pair providing the supremum in (3.4) for this \omega. Then, since \psi_{\alpha} is convex (see [3]) and \psi_{\alpha}(0)=0, for t\geqslant 1 and z>0 we have {\psi_{\alpha}(tz)\geqslant t\psi_{\alpha}(z)} and
Remark 3. We see from the proof that Lemma 9 remains valid if in the definitions of F_{\lambda} and J_{m,m_0,\rho} we replace the supremum with respect to A\in H_{m} and \overline{a}\in U_2(A, m_0) by the supremum with respect to A and \overline{a} from arbitrary finite sets. Of the function \psi_{\alpha} we only need to be convex and satisfy \psi_{\alpha}(0)=0.
Now we need Lemma B (Lemma 1 in [5]; see the full proof in [13], Lemma 5) and Lemma C (Lemma 3 in [13]).
Lemma B. Let \mathcal E\subset \mathbb{R}^N_+ and B=\sup_{x\in \mathcal E}\|x\|_2. Let 0<\delta<1, and let \{\xi_i\}_{i=1}^N be independent random variables (see (3.2)); let 1\leqslant m\leqslant N and q_0\geqslant 1. Then
Here N_2(\mathcal E, t) denotes the minimum number of Euclidean balls of radius t in \mathbb{R}^N such that their union covers \mathcal E, and C is an absolute constant.
Lemma C. There exists C(\alpha)>0 such that for u_{\alpha}(t) defined in (1.2) and arbitrary s, s'\in\mathbb{R} the following inequality holds:
Proof of Lemma 8. We use a modification of Bourgain’s method: we fix \lambda\geqslant 1, A\in H_{m} and \overline{a}\in U_2(A, m_0) and set (see (1.2))
L(A, \overline{a}, \lambda, \omega)=\int_X \psi_{\alpha} \biggl(\frac{f_{m, A, \overline{a}}(\omega, x)}{\lambda}\biggr)d\mu =\int_X \frac{f^2_{m, A, \overline{a}}(\omega, x)}{\lambda^2}u_{\alpha} \biggl(\frac{f_{m, A, \overline{a}}(\omega, x)}{\lambda}\biggr)d\mu.
From the definition of f_{m, A,\overline{a}} (see (3.8)) and (3.10) we obtain
Set p_0=(p+2)/2; then 2<p_0<p. It follows from Lemmas C and 2 and Hölder’s inequality that for any h, g\in L_p(X) such that \|h\|_2\leqslant 1 and \|g\|_2\leqslant 1 and any \lambda\geqslant 1
Let W(\Lambda) be the normed space (namely, the discrete Lorentz space) such that its unit ball is the convex hull of the vectors in U_2(\Lambda) (see (3.1)). Recall that S_{\Lambda}(\{a_k\}_{k\in\Lambda})=\sum_{k\in\Lambda}a_k\varphi_k.
We consider orthogonal (but not necessarily normalized) systems of functions \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N such that (3.6) holds for p>2. Dividing all functions in such a system by M>0 we obtain that Theorems 1–4 below also hold for the orthonormal system \Phi of functions satisfying \|\varphi_k\|_{L_{p}}\leqslant M, k=1, 2,\dots, N; in this case the right-hand sides of (4.1), (4.2) and (4.7) must be multiplied by M.
Theorem 1. Let \alpha>1/2, \rho>0 and some p>2. Given an orthogonal system {\Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N} satisfying (3.6), the following inequality holds with probability greater than 1-C(\rho)N^{-9} for the random set \Lambda=\Lambda_{\omega} generated by a system of random variables \{\xi_i(\omega)\}_{i=1}^N (see (3.2)) such that \mathbb{E}\xi_i=\log^{-\rho}(N+3) for 1\leqslant i\leqslant N:
Remark 4. It follows from the proof of Theorem 1 and Remark 2 that the quantity \log^{\beta}(N+3) can be replaced in (4.1) by the largest of the numbers
Remark 5. It follows from Theorem 1 and Remark 1 that Theorem C also holds when (1.4) is replaced by (3.6) for p>2 and K(\alpha, \rho) is replaced by K(\alpha, \rho,p).
It follows from the comment to Lemma 3 in [11] that for each \overline{a}\in\mathbb{R}^N such that \operatorname{supp}(\overline{a})\subset\Lambda we have the estimate
\|\overline{a}\|_{W(\Lambda)}^2\leqslant C \|\overline{a}\|_2^2\cdot \ln(|\Lambda|+3).
Thus, the following result is a consequence of Theorem 1.
Theorem 2. Let \alpha>3/2, \rho>2 and p>2. Then, given an orthogonal system \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N satisfying (3.6), the following inequality holds with probability greater than 1-C(\rho)N^{-9} for the random set \Lambda=\Lambda_{\omega} generated by a system of random variables \{\xi_i(\omega)\}_{i=1}^N (see (3.2)) such that \mathbb{E}\xi_i=\log^{-\rho}(N+3) for 1\leqslant i\leqslant N:
Remark 6. From estimate (3.12) and Corollary 1, for each system \Phi satisfying (3.6), any set \Lambda\subset\langle N\rangle and any vector \overline{a} such that \|\overline{a}\|_2\leqslant 1 we obtain
We write \alpha>1/2 in the statement of Theorem 1 because otherwise \beta>\alpha/2, and estimate (4.1) is trivial. For the same reason we assume that \alpha>3/2 in the statement of Theorem 2.
Remark 7. It was noted in [13] that it cannot be expected from the Orlicz space generated by a function \psi_{\alpha} (see (1.2)) that a randomly chosen subsystem of cardinality N/\log^{\beta}N (where \beta is an arbitrarily large constant) is \psi_{\alpha}-lacunary. We explain this now. For an arbitrary positive constant C and large N=N(C) consider the orthogonal system \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^m of m=\sqrt{\log N} functions on [0,1] satisfying (3.6) that is not \psi_{\alpha}(C)-lacunary. We can assume that
(it is sufficient to replace the \varphi_k(x) by the functions \varphi_k(2x)\chi_{[0,1/2]}-\varphi_k(2x- 1)\chi_{[1/2,1]}). Consider the systems of functions \Phi_n=\{\varphi^n_k\}_{k=1}^m, n\in\langle M\rangle, {M\equiv N/m}, on [0,1]^M constructed as follows: \varphi^n_k(\overline{x})=\varphi_k(x_n) and \overline{x}\!=\!(x_1,\dots, x_M). Clearly, the \Phi_n, n\in\langle M\rangle, are not \psi_{\alpha}(C)-lacunary either, and \Phi_0 — the union of the \Phi_n, n\in\langle M\rangle, — is an orthogonal system of functions on [0,1]^M with property (3.6). The probability of the event that none of the systems \Phi_n, n\in\langle M\rangle, lies in a subsystem of \Phi_0 of density \delta N\equiv N/\log^{\beta} N is equal to the quantity (1-\delta^m)^{N/m}, which tends to zero for large N. Hence a random subsystem of cardinality N/\log^{\beta} N contains the whole of at least one system \Phi_n, n\in\langle M\rangle, so that it is not \psi_{\alpha}(C)-lacunary. Thus, it is natural that even for large \rho the estimate in Theorem 2 contains a factor increasing with N.
Since the unit ball of W(\Lambda) is the convex hull of the vectors in U_2(\Lambda), to prove Theorem 1 it is sufficient to look at vectors in U_2(\Lambda). For \overline{a}\in U_2(\Lambda, m_0), where \Lambda\subset \langle N\rangle, we have
Once we have an estimate of \|J_{N, m_0, \rho}(\omega)\|_{q_0} for q_0=\log N and m_0>\log^{4}(N+3) (see Lemma 8), taking (3.5) into account, we can claim that
Recall Hoeffding’s inequality: if \{X_i\}_{i=1}^m is a system of independent random variables on a probability space such that a_i\leqslant X_i\leqslant b_i for i\in\langle m\rangle, then the following estimate for probabilities holds for S=\sum_{i=1}^m(X_i-EX_i) and t>0:
(see (3.3)). Substituting t=\delta \cdot N/3 into (4.4), we obtain the following inequality for all points \omega \in\Omega outside a set of measure \leqslant \exp (-C(\rho)N^{1/2}):
Let W denote the set of \omega\in\Omega such that (4.5) holds. Let \widetilde{E}=E\cap W, where E was defined in (4.3); then 1-\nu\widetilde{E}<C(\rho)N^{-9}. We verify that for each \omega\in\widetilde{E} the subsystem of functions \Phi_{\Lambda}=\{\varphi_i(x)\}_{i\in\Lambda}, where \Lambda=\Lambda_{\omega}, satisfies (4.1). In fact, it follows from (4.5) that for each \omega\in W the quantity s(\omega)=s (the cardinality of the system \Phi_{\Lambda}) is of order N\log^{-\rho}(N+3), or, more precisely,
It follows from the definitions of \Lambda_{\omega} and \widetilde E that for each vector \overline{a}\in U_2(\Lambda_{\omega}) satisfying |\operatorname{supp}\overline{a}|>\log^{4}(N+3) we have
Theorem 3. If \rho>2, then for any orthogonal system \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N satisfying (3.6) for p>2 there exists \Lambda\subset\langle N\rangle, |\Lambda|\geqslant N\log^{-\rho}(N+3), such that
Remark 8. Let \rho>7. Then for orthonormal systems Theorem 3 can be deduced as a consequence of Theorem 2 above, Theorem 3 and Assertion 3 in [3], which show that if \alpha>4, then for a \psi_{\alpha}-lacunary system the maximal partial sum operator is bounded from l_2 to L_2(X).
To prove Theorem 3 we need Lemma D, which is well known in this context (for instance, see [14], Lemma 9.1).
Lemma D. Given a vector \overline{a}=\{a_n\}_{n=1}^M\in\mathbb{R}^M, there exist an integer l, 1\leqslant l\leqslant M, and two vectors \overline{a}' and \overline{a}'' of the form
(2) \|\overline{a}'\|_2^2\leqslant \frac{1}{2}\|\overline{a}\|_2^2 and \|\overline{a}''\|_2^2\leqslant \frac{1}{2}\|\overline{a}\|_2^2;
(3) |a_l'|\leqslant |a_l| and |a_l''|\leqslant |a_l|.
Proof of Theorem 3. For \rho>3 we take \alpha=1/2+\rho/2 (in this case 2<\alpha and \alpha/2-\rho/4+1/2= 3/4) and set \gamma=3/4; for 2<\rho\leqslant 3 and \varepsilon> 0 we take \alpha= 2+2\varepsilon (in this case 2<\alpha and \alpha/2-\rho/4+1/2> 3/4) and set
Let \Phi_{\Lambda} be the subsystem constructed in the proof of Theorem 1 for \alpha as indicated (that is, \Lambda=\Lambda_{\omega}, \omega\in\widetilde{E}). Then it satisfies inequality (4.2) for \beta+ 1/2= \gamma, and we can assume that M\equiv |\Lambda|>N/\log^{\rho}(N+3) (it follows from the proof of Theorem 1 that |\Lambda|>2N/(3\log^{\rho}(N+3)), and in order to show that a required subsystem of cardinality greater than N/\log^{\rho}(N+3) exists we choose the missing functions in a similar way from the remaining functions \varphi_k, k\in \langle N\rangle\setminus \Lambda).
We change the notation for functions in \Phi_{\Lambda}: let \Phi_{\Lambda}=\{u_j(x)\}_{j=1}^M. We will use the standard binary decomposition procedure (for instance, see [14], Theorem 9.8). Fix an arbitrary vector \overline{a}=\{a_n\}_{n=1}^M such that \|\overline{a}\|_2=1. For \rho>3 we want to show that
In the case when 2<\rho\leqslant 3 we need to prove (4.9) for C(\rho, \varepsilon, p) in place of C(\rho,p). We assume that \varepsilon>0 is fixed, and do not indicate the dependence on it. Also, since \alpha is constructed from \rho and \varepsilon, instead of indicating a dependence of \alpha, we indicate below a dependence of \rho.
Since the operator S_{\Phi_{\Lambda}}^* is continuous, all coordinates a_n, n=1,\dots, M, can be assumed to be distinct from zero. For each s=0,\dots, s_0 (we select s_0 below) we represent the vector \overline{a} as a sum of 2^s vectors:
here r_0^0=\overline{a}, and we construct the vectors r_{\nu}^s in turn: once r_{\nu}^{s-1} has been constructed, using Lemma D for \overline{a}=r_{\nu}^{s-1} we represent it in the form r_{\nu}^{s-1}=r_{2\nu}^s+r_{2\nu+1}^s, where the vectors r_{2\nu}^s and r_{2\nu+1}^s have the form (4.8) and satisfy conditions 1)–3) in Lemma D, where, furthermore, a_l''\neq 0. Then the vectors r_{\nu}^s, \nu=0, 1,\dots, 2^s-1, have the form
By (4.12) we can select s_0 such that at most two coordinates in each vector r_{\nu}^{s_0}, \nu=0,1,\dots, 2^{s_0}-1, are distinct from zero. Since the coordinates \overline{a} are nonzero and a'_{l_{\nu}^s}\neq 0, it follows that l_{\nu+1}^{s_0}\leqslant l_{\nu}^{s_0}+2 for \nu=0,1,\dots,2^s-1 and s=1,\dots,s_0. Set r_{2^s}^s=\overline{0}, s=1,2,\dots, s_0.
It follows from (4.10)–(4.12) and relations 1) and 3) in Lemma D that
For each M_0=1,2,\dots, M-1 we select j\equiv j(M_0), j\in\{1,\dots, 2^{s_0}\}, so that l_{j-1}^{s_0}\leqslant M_0<l_j^{s_0}, and for M_0=M we set j(M_0)=2^{s_0}. Then for \overline{a}(M_0):=(a_1,\dots, a_{M_0},0,\dots,0), M_0=1,2,\dots, M, we obtain the expansion
where the vector \overline{b} has at most two nonzero coordinates. Taking the equality r_{2\nu}^s+r_{2\nu+1}^s=r_{\nu}^{s-1} into account, for M_0=1,2,\dots, M we obtain
Remark 9. Theorem 2 in [13] can be extended to systems of functions satisfying condition (3.6) for p>2 instead of the condition of uniform boundedness. The following result holds: for \rho>4, for each orthogonal system \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N satisfying the property (3.6) for p>2, there exists \Lambda\subset\langle N\rangle, |\Lambda|\geqslant N\log^{-\rho}(N+3), such that
Theorems 1–3 claim that from an orthogonal system \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N of functions satisfying (3.6) for p>2, we can extract a subsystem \Phi_{\Lambda} of sufficiently large density such that the norms of the operators S_{\Lambda} and S_{\Phi_{\Lambda}}^{*} have nice estimates. In addition, estimates (4.1), (4.2) and (4.7) hold with large probability for an arbitrary set \Lambda=\Lambda_{\omega} generated by a system \{\xi_i(\omega)\}_{i=1}^N (see (3.2)) such that \delta=\log^{-\rho}(N+3). It is clear from the proofs that we can take \omega in some \widetilde{E} such that 1-\nu\widetilde{E}<C(\rho)N^{-9}, and for \omega\in \widetilde{E} the cardinality of \Lambda_{\omega} has the estimate 2N\delta\leqslant3|\Lambda_{\omega}|\leqslant 4N\delta (see (4.5)). It is clear that in place of \delta=\log^{-\rho}(N+3) we can take \delta_0=1/M, where M=[\log^{\rho}(N+3)]. Consider a system of independent random variables \zeta_i, i=1,\dots, N, on a probability space (\Omega, \nu) which take the values 1,2,\dots, M with equal probability. Then for each j\in\langle M\rangle the variables \xi_i^j(\omega)=\chi_{\{\zeta_i=j\}}(\omega), i=1,\dots, N, are independent selectors satisfying \mathbb{E}\xi_i^j=\delta_0. Hence for j\in\langle M\rangle there exists \widetilde{E_j} such that {1-\nu\widetilde{E_j}<C(\rho)N^{-9}}, and for \omega\in \widetilde{E_j} we have estimates (4.2) and (4.7) for the set \Lambda_{\omega}^j\equiv \{i\in\langle N\rangle\colon \xi_i^j(\omega)=1\}=\{i\in\langle N\rangle\colon \zeta_i(\omega)=j\}. Then for \omega\in E_0\equiv\bigcap_{j=1}^M\widetilde{E_j} we have these estimates for each j\in\langle M\rangle and, moreover, \nu(E_0)>1-C(\rho)N^{-8} and \langle N\rangle=\bigsqcup_{j=1}^M\Lambda_{\omega}^j. We have the following result.
Theorem 4. Let \rho>2. Then each orthogonal system \Phi=\{\varphi_k\}_{k=1}^N satisfying (3.6) for p>2 can be split into M\equiv [\log^{\rho}(N+3)] subsystems \Phi_{\Lambda_j} so that estimates (4.2) for \alpha> 3/2 and (4.7) hold for the sets \Lambda_j, j=1,\dots,M, and, furthermore, 2N/M\leqslant3|\Lambda_j|\leqslant 4N/M.
The author is grateful to B. S. Kashin for valuable discussions and for a reference to [11].
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I. V. Limonova, “Dense weakly lacunary subsystems of orthogonal systems and maximal partial sum operator”, Sb. Math., 214:11 (2023), 1560–1584
\by I.~V.~Limonova
\paper Dense weakly lacunary subsystems of orthogonal systems and maximal partial sum operator
\jour Sb. Math.
\yr 2023
\vol 214
\issue 11
\pages 1560--1584
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This publication is cited in the following 1 articles:
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