This article investigates analytic solutions of a convolution equation and of systems of two convolution equations with a single unknown function. The characteristic functions of all the convolution operators studied here are entire functions of exponential type. A general representation is determined for solutions of homogeneous and inhomogeneous equations and of systems of such equations in the form of absolutely convergent series in entire functions (as a rule, exponentials forming an absolutely representing system). A criterion is established for solvability of a system of two inhomogeneous convolution equations with a single unknown function. The main results are obtained with the help of nontrivial expansions of zero in convex domains with respect to functions forming an absolutely representing system.
Bibliography: 19 titles.
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S. N. Melikhov, “Coefficients of exponential series for analytic functions and the Pommiez operator”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 257:2 (2021), 206–245
V. B. Sherstyukov, “Asymptotic properties of entire functions with given laws of distribution of zeros”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 257:2 (2021), 246–272
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