In a cylindrical domain DT=(0,T)×ΩDT=(0,T)×Ω, where
ΩΩ is an unbounded subdomain of Rn+1, one considers
the evolution equation ut=Lu the right-hand side of which is a
quasi-elliptic operator with highest derivatives of orders
2k,2m1,…,2mn with respect to the variables y0,y1,…,yn.
For the mixed problem with Dirichlet condition at the
lateral part of the boundary of DT a uniqueness class of the Täcklind
type is described.
For domains Ω tapering at infinity
another uniqueness class is distinguished, a geometric one, which
is broader than the Täcklind-type class. It is shown that for
domains with irregular behaviour of the boundary this class is wider
than the one described for a second-order parabolic equation by
Oleǐnik and Iosif'yan (Uspekhi Mat. Nauk, 1976 [17]).
In a wide class of tapering domains non-uniqueness examples
for solutions of the first mixed problem for the heat equation are constructed, which
supports the exactness of the geometric uniqueness class.
Bibliography: 33 titles.
L. M. Kozhevnikova, “Uniqueness classes for solutions in unbounded domains of the first mixed problem for the
equation ut=Au with quasi-elliptic operator A”, Sb. Math., 198:1 (2007), 55–96
\by L.~M.~Kozhevnikova
\paper Uniqueness classes for solutions in unbounded domains of the first mixed problem for the
equation $u_t=Au$ with quasi-elliptic operator~$A$
\jour Sb. Math.
\yr 2007
\vol 198
\issue 1
\pages 55--96
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V. F. Vil'danova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Täcklind uniqueness classes for heat equation on noncompact Riemannian manifolds”, Ufa Math. J., 7:2 (2015), 55–63
M. M. Amangalieva, M. T. Dzhenaliev, M. T. Kosmakova, M. I. Ramazanov, “On one homogeneous problem for the heat equation in an infinite angular domain”, Siberian Math. J., 56:6 (2015), 982–995
Jenaliyev M.H., Amangaliyeva M., Kosmakova M., Ramazanov M., “About Dirichlet Boundary Value Problem For the Heat Equation in the Infinite Angular Domain”, Bound. Value Probl., 2014, 213
V. F. Vil'danova, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Anisotropic uniqueness classes for a degenerate parabolic equation”, Sb. Math., 204:11 (2013), 1584–1597
L. M. Kozhevnikova, “Examples of the Nonuniqueness of Solutions of the Mixed Problem for the Heat Equation in Unbounded Domains”, Math. Notes, 91:1 (2012), 58–64
V. F. Gilimshina, F. Kh. Mukminov, “Ob ubyvanii resheniya vyrozhdayuschegosya lineinogo parabolicheskogo uravneniya”, Ufimsk. matem. zhurn., 3:4 (2011), 43–56
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