For a wave equation containing nonlinearity in the form of a $n$-th order polynomial, the problem of determining the coefficients of the polynomial depending on the variable $x\in \mathbb{R}^3$ is studied. Plane waves propagating with a sharp front in a homogeneous medium in the direction of a unit vector $\boldsymbol\nu$ and falling on inhomogeneity localized inside some ball $B(R)$ are considered. It is assumed that the solutions of forward problems for all possible $\nu$ can be measured at points of the
boundary of this ball at time close to the arrival of the wave front. It is shown that the solution of the inverse problem is reduced to a series of X-ray tomography problems.
V. G. Romanov, T.V. Bugueva, “Inverse problem for wave equation with polynomial nonlinearity”, Sib. Zh. Ind. Mat., 26:1 (2023), 142–149; J. Appl. Industr. Math., 17:1 (2023), 163–167
This publication is cited in the following 6 articles:
V. G. Romanov, “Otsenka ustoichivosti resheniya v obratnoi zadache dlya nelineinogo giperbolicheskogo uravneniya”, Sib. matem. zhurn., 65:3 (2024), 560–576
V. G. Romanov, “A Stability Estimate for a Solution to an Inverse Problem for a Nonlinear Hyperbolic Equation”, Sib Math J, 65:3 (2024), 611
V. G. Romanov, “Obratnaya zadacha dlya volnovogo uravneniya s nelineinym pogloscheniem”, Sib. matem. zhurn., 64:3 (2023), 635–652
V. G. Romanov, T.V. Bugueva, “The problem of determining the coefficient for power gradient nonlinearity in semilinear wave equation”, J. Appl. Industr. Math., 17:2 (2023), 370–384
V. G. Romanov, “One-Dimensional Inverse Problem for Nonlinear Equations of Electrodynamics”, Diff Equat, 59:10 (2023), 1397
V. G. Romanov, “An Inverse Problem for the Wave Equation with Nonlinear Dumping”, Sib Math J, 64:3 (2023), 670