The review integrates and analyzes the experimental and theoretical studies published in the last 15 years dealing with the synthesis and physicochemical and photochromic properties of the hybrid molecules based on carbon clusters (fullerenes, nanotubes and graphene) and photochromic molecules (diarylethenes, spiropyrans, spirooxazines and azobenzene). The state-of-the-art trends of the application of photochromic compounds as light-controlled electronic devices, sensors and optical memory elements are considered. The main types of optical molecular switches derived from carbon clusters are described. The synthetic approaches to these hybrid molecules and the relationships between their structure and photochromic properties are discussed. The bibliography includes 199 references.
A. R. Tuktarov, A. A. Khuzin, U. M. Dzhemilev, “Light-controlled molecular switches based on carbon clusters. Synthesis, properties and application prospects”, Russian Chem. Reviews, 86:6 (2017), 474–509
A. Szukalski, B. Jedrzejewska, P. Krawczyk, A. Bajorek, Dyes Pigment., 172 (2020), UNSP 107805
Sh. Li, H. Wang, J. Fang, Q. Liu, J. Wang, Sh. Guo, J. Therm. Sci., 29:2 (2020), 280–297
A. Avramopoulos, R. Zalesny, H. Reis, M. G. Papadopoulos, J. Phys. Chem. C, 124:7 (2020), 4221–4241
A. Khuzin, A. R. Tuktarov, V. A. Barachevsky, T. M. Valova, A. R. Tulyabaev, U. M. Dzhemilev, RSC Adv., 10:27 (2020), 15888–15892
D. I. Galimov, A. R. Tuktarov, D. Sh. Sabirov, A. A. Khuzin, U. M. Dzhemilev, J. Photochem. Photobiol. A-Chem., 375 (2019), 64–70
A. R. Tuktarov, R. B. Salikhov, A. A. Khuzin, N. R. Popod'ko, I. N. Safargalin, I. N. Mullagaliev, U. M. Dzhemilev, RSC Adv., 9:13 (2019), 7505–7508
A. R. Tuktarov, R. B. Salikhov, A. A. Khuzin, I. N. Safargalin, I. N. Mullagaliev, O. V. Venidiktova, T. M. Valova, V. A. Barachevsky, U. M. Dzhemilev, Mendeleev Commun., 29:2 (2019), 160–162
A. R. Tuktarov, A. A. Khuzin, U. M. Dzhemilev, Mendeleev Commun., 29:2 (2019), 229–231
V. A. Pomogaev, P. V. Avramov, K. Ruud, J. Phys. Chem. C, 123:30 (2019), 18215–18221
U. M. Dzhemilev, A. A. Khuzin, A. R. Akhmetov, V. A. D'yakonov, L. U. Dzhemileva, M. M. Yunusbaeva, A. R. Tuktarov, ACS Omega, 4:14 (2019), 15929–15934
S. K. Lazarev, E. M. Glebov, A. V. Metelitsa, A. G. Lvov, V. Z. Shirinian, M. Gregova-Trencanova, D. Velic, A. B. Smolentsev, Mendeleev Commun., 29:5 (2019), 564–566
L. I. Belen'kii, Yu. B. Evdokimenkova, Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, Vol 129, Adv. Heterocycl. Chem., Advances in Heterocyclic Chemistry, 129, ed. E. Scriven, C. Ramsden, Elsevier Academic Press Inc, 2019, 337–418
A. R. Tuktarov, N. M. Chobanov, Yu. H. Budnikova, Yu. B. Dudkina, U. M. Dzhemilev, J. Org. Chem., 84:24 (2019), 16333–16337
O. V. Venidiktova, V. A. Barachevsky, A. A. Khuzin, A. R. Tuktarov, A. I. Shienok, N. L. Zaichenko, Opt. Spectrosc., 127:6 (2019), 1148–1154
V. A. Pomogaev, V. A. Barachevsky, A. R. Tuktarov, P. V. Avramov, V. Ya. Artyukhov, J. Phys. Chem. A, 122:2 (2018), 505–515
A. N. Solodukhin, Yu. N. Luponosov, M. I. Buzin, S. M. Peregudova, E. A. Svidchenko, S. A. Ponomarenko, Mendeleev Commun., 28:4 (2018), 415–417
I. A. Rostovtseva, N. A. Voloshin, E. V. Solov'eva, A. V. Chernyshev, I. A. Metelitsa, A. V. Metelitsa, Russ. Chem. Bull., 67:8 (2018), 1476–1481