The results of studies on layer-by-layer synthesis of multilayers on the electrode surface in order to design electrochemical sensors for the determination of concentrations of inorganic, organic and bioorganic compounds are summarized and analyzed. The principle of the method is discoursed and the key advantages of the approach are highlighted, such as the possibility of single layer synthesis with specified thickness and composition under mild conditions with further fabrication of multilayers. Charge transfer conditions in the layers on the electrode surface between the analyte molecules and electrode redox centres and the operating conditions for the optimal electrode are considered. The role of electrocatalysts and intermediates of these processes is noted. Particular attention is devoted to the methods for synthesis of gold nanoparticles with different diameters. Analytical characteristics for electrochemical sensors are presented and application prospects of the layer-by-layer synthesis to electrode fabrication are discussed. The bibliography includes 241 references.
Received: 15.10.2015
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Language: English
Original paper language: Russian
S. S. Ermakov, K. G. Nikolaev, V. P. Tolstoy, “Novel electrochemical sensors with electrodes based on multilayers fabricated by layer-by-layer synthesis and their analytical potential”, Russian Chem. Reviews, 85:8 (2016), 880–900
\by S.~S.~Ermakov, K.~G.~Nikolaev, V.~P.~Tolstoy
\paper Novel electrochemical sensors with electrodes based on multilayers fabricated by layer-by-layer synthesis and their analytical potential
\jour Russian Chem. Reviews
\yr 2016
\vol 85
\issue 8
\pages 880--900
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