The proper axial rotation and right-handed helical orbital rotation of Earth are the simplest and persistent factors of chiral influence on the Earth. These types of motion are treated as basic to the selection of L-amino acids and D-sugars (homochirality) as 'building blocks' for constructing right-handed helical biomacromolecules. The role of agent for transfer of chiral influence of the factors mentioned above on the molecular level can be played by tides and wind waves. The rise and fall of the waves leads to formation of mainly right-handed helical water associates that favour the formation of right-handed helical biomolecules. Biological indications of the existence of such water associates are discussed. The bibliography includes 175 references.
Received: 13.01.2014
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Language: English
Original paper language: Russian
V. A. Pavlov, E. I. Klabunovskii, “The origin of homochirality in nature: a possible version”, Russian Chem. Reviews, 84:2 (2015), 121–133