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Kvantovaya Elektronika, 2001, Volume 31, Number 4, Pages 351–356 (Mi qe1950)  

This article is cited in 23 scientific papers (total in 23 papers)

Laser applications and other topics in quantum electronics

A new Faraday rotator for high average power lasers

E. A. Khazanov

Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Nizhny Novgorod
Abstract: The new design of a Faraday rotator is proposed which allows one to compensate partially the radiation depolarisation in magneto-optical elements induced by heating due to the laser radiation absorption. The new design is compared analytically and numerically with a conventional design for the cases of glass and crystal magneto-optical media. It is shown that a rotator, which provides the compensation for birefringence in active elements with the accuracy up to 1 % at the average laser radiation power of 1 kW in the rotator, can be created.
Received: 11.08.2000
English version:
Quantum Electronics, 2001, Volume 31, Issue 4, Pages 351–356
DOI: https://doi.org/10.1070/QE2001v031n04ABEH001950
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
PACS: 85.70.Sq, 42.25.Ja
Language: Russian

Citation: E. A. Khazanov, “A new Faraday rotator for high average power lasers”, Kvantovaya Elektronika, 31:4 (2001), 351–356 [Quantum Electron., 31:4 (2001), 351–356]
Linking options:
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe1950
  • https://www.mathnet.ru/eng/qe/v31/i4/p351
  • This publication is cited in the following 23 articles:
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    2. Shuai Li, Zijun Fang, Majun Peng, Zhanda Zhu, Hong Lei, Qiang Li, Laser Phys. Lett., 21:8 (2024), 085001  crossref
    3. František Batysta, Emily Sistrunk, Anthony Vella, Emily Erdman, Jakub Novák, Mike Torrance, Joseph Mambourg, David Scerbak, Conor Byrne, Bedřich Rus, Thomas M. Spinka, CLEO 2023, 2023, SM1D.1  crossref
    4. Wang Ya., Lu B.-L., Qi X.-Yu., Hou L., Kang J., Huang K.-X., Feng X.-Q., Zhang D.-L., Chen H.-W., Bai J.-T., IEEE Photonics Technol. Lett., 29:1 (2017), 150–153  crossref  isi  scopus
    5. Khazanov E.A. Sergeev A.M., J. Opt. Technol., 84:10 (2017), 710–717  crossref  isi  scopus
    6. E. A. Khazanov, Phys. Usp., 59:9 (2016), 886–909  mathnet  crossref  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib
    7. Quantum Electron., 43:8 (2013), 740–743  mathnet  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib
    8. Anton G. Vyatkin, Ilya L. Snetkov, Oleg V. Palashov, Efim A. Khazanov, Opt. Express, 21:19 (2013), 22338  crossref
    9. Michał Berent, Andon A. Rangelov, Nikolay V. Vitanov, J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 30:1 (2013), 149  crossref
    10. Zheleznov D.S. Starobor A.V. Palashov O.V. Khazanov E.A., J. Opt. Soc. Am. B-Opt. Phys., 29:4 (2012), 786–792  crossref  adsnasa  isi  elib  scopus
    11. Anton G. Vyatkin, Ilya L. Snetkov, Efim A. Khazanov, Oleg V. Palashov, Lasers, Sources, and Related Photonic Devices, 2012, AT4A.23  crossref
    12. Gérard Trénec, William Volondat, Orphée Cugat, Jacques Vigué, Appl. Opt., 50:24 (2011), 4788  crossref
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    15. F. V. Englich, Y. He, B. J. Orr, Appl. Phys. B, 94:1 (2009), 1  crossref
    16. Ivan Mukhin, Alexandr Voitovich, Oleg Palashov, Efim Khazanov, Optics Communications, 282:10 (2009), 1969  crossref
    17. H.J. Kong, J.S. Shin, J.W. Yoon, D.H. Beak, Nucl. Fusion, 49:12 (2009), 125002  crossref
    18. Dmitry S. Zheleznov, Ivan B. Mukhin, Oleg V. Palashov, Efim A. Khazanov, Alexander V. Voitovich, IEEE J. Quantum Electron., 43:6 (2007), 451  crossref
    19. Efim A. Khazanov, Appl. Opt., 43:9 (2004), 1907  crossref
    20. Mikhail A. Kagan, Efim A. Khazanov, Appl. Opt., 43:32 (2004), 6030  crossref
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