On the basis of numerical solution to the Maxwell–Bloch equations within an one-dimensional two-level model of a superradiant laser with a symmetric cavity where a photon lifetime is less than an incoherent relaxation time of the optical dipole oscillations of active centers, we find that a spontaneous asymmetric generation of the counter-propagating waves is possible under a continuous homogeneous pumping of an active medium. We show that such a phenomenon of a symmetry breaking of the spatial profiles of the counter-propagating waves of an electromagnetic field as well as the polarization and population inversion of an active medium in the considered case of a weak inhomogeneous broadening of an operating transition is caused by an asymmetric half-wavelength nonlinear grating of the population inversion of the transition's energy levels which is produced by these waves.
This study was supported by the Presidium of the Russian Academy of Sciences, program of fundamental research №. 32 “Nanostructures: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Fundamentals of Technologies” (Sect. 1–4), and the state task of the Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, for research on project no. 0035-2019-0002 (Sect. 5).
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