Nelineinaya Dinamika [Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics]
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Rus. J. Nonlin. Dyn.:

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Nelineinaya Dinamika [Russian Journal of Nonlinear Dynamics], 2017, Volume 13, Number 1, Pages 25–40
(Mi nd549)

This article is cited in 4 scientific papers (total in 4 papers)

Original papers

On a constructive method of search for rotary and oscillatory modes in autonomous dynamical systems

L. A. Klimina, B. Ya. Lokshin

Institute of Mechanics of LMSU, Michurinskiy pr. 1, Moscow, 119192, Russia
Full-text PDF (461 kB) Citations (4)
Abstract: An autonomous dynamical system with one degree of freedom with a cylindrical phase space is studied. The mathematical model of the system is given by a second-order differential equation that contains terms responsible for nonconservative forces. A coefficient α at these terms is supposed to be a small parameter of the model. So the system is close to a Hamiltonian one.
In the first part of the paper, it is additionally supposed that one of nonconservative terms corresponds to dissipative or to antidissipative forces, and coefficient b at this term is a varied parameter. The Poincaré – Pontryagin approach is used to construct a bifurcation diagram of periodic trajectories with respect to the parameter b for sufficiently small values of α.
In the second part of the paper, a system with nonconservative terms of general form is studied. Two supplementary systems of special form are constructed. Results of the first part of the paper are applied to these systems. Comparison of bifurcation diagrams for these supplementary systems has allowed deriving necessary conditions for the existence of periodic trajectories in the initial system for sufficiently small α.
The third part of the paper contains an example of the study of periodic trajectories of one system, which, for zero value of the small parameter, coincides with a Hamiltonian system H0. It is proved that there exist periodic trajectories which do not satisfy the Poincaré – Pontryagin sufficient conditions for emergence of periodic trajectories from trajectories of the system H0.
Keywords: autonomous dynamical system, Poincaré – Pontryagin approach, sufficient conditions for the existence of periodic trajectories, bifurcation diagram, necessary conditions for the existence of periodic trajectories.
Funding agency Grant number
Russian Foundation for Basic Research 14-08-01130
Received: 03.09.2016
Accepted: 23.12.2016
Bibliographic databases:
Document Type: Article
UDC: 531.36
MSC: 70K05
Language: Russian
Citation: L. A. Klimina, B. Ya. Lokshin, “On a constructive method of search for rotary and oscillatory modes in autonomous dynamical systems”, Nelin. Dinam., 13:1 (2017), 25–40
Citation in format AMSBIB
\by L.~A.~Klimina, B.~Ya.~Lokshin
\paper On a constructive method of search for rotary and oscillatory modes in autonomous dynamical systems
\jour Nelin. Dinam.
\yr 2017
\vol 13
\issue 1
\pages 25--40
Linking options:
  • This publication is cited in the following 4 articles:
    1. L. A. Klimina, “Method for generating asynchronous self-sustained oscillations of a mechanical system with two degrees of freedom”, Mech. Sol., 56:7 (2021), 1167–1180  crossref  zmath  isi  scopus
    2. O. E. Vasyukova, L. A. Klimina, “Modelirovanie avtokolebanii upravlyaemogo fizicheskogo mayatnika s uchetom zavisimosti momenta treniya ot normalnoi reaktsii v sharnire”, Nelineinaya dinam., 14:1 (2018), 33–44  mathnet  crossref  elib
    3. O. E. Vasiukova, “Possibility of identification of friction coefficients in the hinge of controlled physical pendulum via amplitudes of stationary oscillations”, Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin, 73:2 (2018), 43–46  mathnet  crossref  zmath  isi
    4. Klimina L.A., Lokshin B.Ya., Samsonov V.A., “Bifurcation Diagram of the Self-Sustained Oscillation Modes For a System With Dynamic Symmetry”, Pmm-J. Appl. Math. Mech., 81:6 (2017), 442–449  crossref  mathscinet  isi
    Citing articles in Google Scholar: Russian citations, English citations
    Related articles in Google Scholar: Russian articles, English articles
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