N. A. Rautian, “On the Structure and Properties of Solutions of Integro-Differential Equations Arising in Thermal Physics and Acoustics”, Mat. Zametki, 90:3 (2011), 470–473; Math. Notes, 90:3 (2011), 455–459
\by N.~A.~Rautian
\paper On the Structure and Properties of Solutions of Integro-Differential Equations Arising in Thermal Physics and Acoustics
\jour Mat. Zametki
\yr 2011
\vol 90
\issue 3
\pages 470--473
\jour Math. Notes
\yr 2011
\vol 90
\issue 3
\pages 455--459
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This publication is cited in the following 13 articles:
V. V. Vlasov, N. A. Rautian, “Investigation of Integro-Differential Equations by Methods of Spectral Theory”, J Math Sci, 278:1 (2024), 55
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A V Romanova, I V Romanov, “On the problems of controllability and uncontrollability for some mechanical systems described by the equations of vibrations of plates and beams with integral memory”, IOP Conf. Ser.: Mater. Sci. Eng., 1083:1 (2021), 012041
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Ortiz R.P., Rautian N.A., “Representation of solutions of integro-differential equations with kernels depending on the parameter”, Differ. Equ., 53:1 (2017), 139–143
Romanov I., Shamaev A., “Noncontrollability to Rest of the Two-Dimensional Distributed System Governed by the Integrodifferential Equation”, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 170:3 (2016), 772–782
I. V. Romanov, A. S. Shamaev, “Some problems of distributed and boundary control for systems with integral aftereffect”, J. Math. Sci. (N. Y.), 234:4 (2018), 470–484
V. V. Vlasov, R. Perez Ortiz, “Spectral Analysis of Integro-Differential Equations in Viscoelasticity and Thermal Physics”, Math. Notes, 98:4 (2015), 689–693
V. V. Vlasov, N. A. Rautian, “Spectral analysis and representations of solutions to abstract integrodifferential equations”, Dokl. Math., 89:1 (2014), 34–37
V. V. Vlasov, N. A. Rautian, “Properties of solutions of integro-differential equations arising in heat and mass transfer theory”, Trans. Moscow Math. Soc., 75 (2014), 185–204
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