Let g be a given function in L1=L1(0,1), and let B be one of the spaces Lp(0,1), 1⩽p<∞, or C0[0,1]. We prove that the set of all convolutions f∗g, f∈B, is dense in B if and only if g is nontrivial in an arbitrary right neighborhood of zero. Under an additional restriction on g, we prove the equivalence in B of the systems fn∗g and Ifn, where fn∈L1, n∈N, and If=f∗1 is the antiderivative of f. As a consequence, we obtain criteria for the completeness and basis property in B of subsystems of antiderivatives of g.
A. M. Sedletskii, “Approximations by convolutions and antiderivatives”, Mat. Zametki, 79:5 (2006), 756–766; Math. Notes, 79:5 (2006), 697–706