A Hausdorff topological space X is said to be subcompact if it admits a coarser compact Hausdorff topology. P. S. Alexandroff asked the following question: What Hausdorff spaces are subcompact? A compact space X is called a stricta-space if, for any C∈[X]⩽ω, there exists a one-to-one continuous map of X∖C onto a compact space Y which can be continuously extended to the entire space X. The paper continues the study of classes of subcompact spaces. It is proved that the product of a compact space and a dyadic compact space without isolated points is a strict a-space.
V. I. Belugin, A. V. Osipov, E. G. Pytkeev, “Some Properties of Subcompact Spaces”, Mat. Zametki, 111:2 (2022), 188–201; Math. Notes, 111:2 (2022), 193–203
This publication is cited in the following 3 articles:
A. V. Osipov, E. G. Pytkeev, “Every metric space of weight λ=λℵ0 admits a condensation onto a Banach space”, Topology and its Applications, 330 (2023), 108486
V. I. Belugin, A. V. Osipov, E. G. Pytkeev, “On the properties of subclasses of weakly dyadic compact spaces”, Siberian Math. J., 63:6 (2022), 1034–1040
A. E. Lipin, A. V. Osipov, “On condensations onto σ-compact spaces”, Dokl. Math., 106:2 (2022), 351–355