For a broad class of functions f:[0,+∞)→R, we prove that the function f(ρλ(x)) is positive definite on a nontrivial real linear space E if and only if 0⩽λ⩽α(E,ρ). Here ρ is a nonnegative homogeneous function on E such that ρ(x)≢ and \alpha(E,\rho) is the Schoenberg constant.
V. P. Zastavnyi, A. D. Manov, “On the Positive Definiteness of Some Functions Related to the Schoenberg Problem”, Mat. Zametki, 102:3 (2017), 355–368; Math. Notes, 102:3 (2017), 325–337
\by V.~P.~Zastavnyi, A.~D.~Manov
\paper On the Positive Definiteness of Some Functions Related to the Schoenberg Problem
\jour Mat. Zametki
\yr 2017
\vol 102
\issue 3
\pages 355--368
\jour Math. Notes
\yr 2017
\vol 102
\issue 3
\pages 325--337
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This publication is cited in the following 4 articles:
V. P. Zastavnyi, “Analog of Schoenberg's Theorem for a-Conditionally Negative Definite Matrix-Valued Kernels”, Math. Notes, 114:1 (2023), 66–76
V. P. Zastavnyi, “A Generalization of Schep's Theorem
on the Positive Definiteness of a Piecewise Linear Function”, Math. Notes, 107:6 (2020), 959–971
R. M. Trigub, “Asymptotics of approximation of continuous periodic functions by linear means of their Fourier series”, Izv. Math., 84:3 (2020), 608–624
V. P. Zastavnyi, “Some Problems Related to Completely Monotone Positive Definite Functions”, Math. Notes, 106:2 (2019), 212–228